Sunday 15 April 2012

15th April - Where has the last couple of weeks gone?

So lets start from where I left off I apologise because once again its been a while since I wrote my last blog.  I have just been so tired since I finished my last session of chemotherapy. All I have done is sleep I'm beginning to wonder if its just laziness and maybe I need a kick up the arse to get me moving lol.
Lee and I met Colin Fry on the 29th March. For those of you that don't know who he is he's a medium and one I've longed to meet for years. I'm very into the spiritual side of things and truly believe that there is life after death and that you move on to a better place.  I believe I'll be reunited with everyone in my life that I've lost when I move on and that helps me to deal with the fact that I am going to die. I mean lets face it we all are the difference being according to the doctors I'll be doing it sooner than most of you, but I'm not worried.  Anyway back to Colin Fry. I had added him as a friend on face book a while ago and it was only after we'd booked to see Sally Morgan another medium that he accepted my friend request. I immediately wrote on his wall and told him I would love to meet him and that I was currently battling cancer. Within hours he had written back and told me he was touring the UK and he would like to invite Lee and I to go and see him for free. He told me to choose which venue was best for us and he would organise the tickets. Lee, however, was sceptical wondering if it was some sort of hoax. I advised Colin of this and he immediately gave us his phone number and asked us to call. Lee rang and was totally amazed when Colin answered the phone to him. They had a chat and the tickets were organised. So the night arrived at the Bath Hall in Scunthorpe and we were shown to Colin's dressing room as he hadn't arrived yet. We sat and waited but were only there about five minutes when Colin appeared. What a lovely man! How can I describe Colin? He relaxes you immediately I felt like I'd known him all my life. Wonderfully he also had gift bags for Lee and I full of his senses range which included candles and soaps something we hadn't expected. He asked all about my treatment and how it was going and complimented me on my positive attitude. He told us how Mikey and him were planning to relocate to Spain and it was like a general chit chat amongst friends it was lovely.  We had photos taken with him which are now pride of place on facebook and I'm going to get some printed and put in frames. We watched the show and I was extremely impressed with his accurate readings although a little disappointed that I didn't get one myself.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and I can honestly say we both enjoyed it very much.  Unfortunately our night out took its toll and the following day instead of a shopping trip to Grimsby we had to go home because I felt so rubbish.
I had my last chemo session on the 4th April and boy was I a happy bunny. Saying goodbye to the nurses on the oncology day case unit was the best feeling yet the worst feeling at the same time. I told them all I hope I'm not back too soon but that I probably will see them again at some point in the next couple of years. My named nurse for the day was a nurse I hadn't had since my second set of chemotherapy so that was kind of sentimental for me. I still have my PICC line in but my CT scan is on Friday and my results are back on Tuesday 24th April hopefully on that day my PICC line will be removed and it will be a long long time before my next chemotherapy session.
I had a lovely shopping trip with Vicki a friend from work on Thursday I needed help with my summer wardrobe because in all honesty I'm crap at shopping. I still dress fat that's the problem, when I look in the mirror I don't see thin I see fat. So I look at clothes and choose baggy ones and dark colours if I'm shopping on my own. Vicki helped me out of that on Thursday, made me try things on and I was amazed to find that a size 12 everywhere fit me it gave me a big buzz. The only downside was when we went to West One and I got a splinter and when I say splinter I mean a great big chunk of wood stuck in my foot from the changing room floor.  Vicki bravely pulled it out for me although when the blood began to pour she got a little squeamish.  The staff in the shop were lovely and couldn't do enough to help me. I was however a little traumatised after that and we had to go and sit down and have a drink at Costa. The mango and passion fruit cooler was absolutely gorgeous and so refreshing.  All in all it was an excellent day out and I came home with quite a few outfits for our holidays.
Anyway I'm getting stronger every day so I'll try and keep up on my blogs a bit more, problem is my life is so dull there's nothing much to write about at the minute cos all I seem to do is sleep. People keep telling me its my body healing itself that's why I'm sleeping so often but when does the healing stop cos I spend more time in bed these days than out of it.

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