Tuesday 20 December 2011

Tuesday 20th December - Normality at last!!

To all of you have been reading my blog so far - thank you. I can only apologise for the large gaps during my off days. But lifting my head up has been an effort some days so typing was not an option.
The problem being the syringe driver, as much as its great as in the anti-sickness drugs running through it stop me being sick, they also have a sedation effect which pretty much allows me to sleep and eat and nothing else. I'm pretty knackered all the time with it on. But, Monday was hallelujah day cos the syringe driver was taken off and I've agreed with the docs no more chemo until 18th January so I can concentrate with getting back to normal and enjoying my life again.... and I am enjoying it. Yesterday we went into Wakefield and I called into work to see my colleagues and gave out my Christmas cards. However, after an hour I was pretty much knackered and ready for my bed. I'm hoping my energy levels will increase as time goes on this tiredness... is well... exhausting. 
Today, Tuesday has been a good day I've been into Ossett had a walk around the market holding onto Lee's arm for support felt like the most natural thing in the world.  I'm hoping I'll be able to just walk around holding his hand soon and not use him as a human crutch.  I managed a bacon sandwich at Eller coffee which is the most I've eaten in days my appetite isn't at its best. Although I am drinking bucket loads of pineapple juice apparently its good for me so just as well I'm craving it eh?

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