Monday 23 January 2012

21st December - New Year - A new year 2012

To those of you that are avid readers of my blog I apologise for such a long delay in my update.  This will be an extremely long catch up blog but I will break it down into sections for you all, I promise lol.

Christmas Day... it was good all the family together, both kids Jenna and Logan, Lee, my mum and dad and Lorna my sister and her partner Andy and Lorna's son Jordan. However, Jenna's 20, Logan's 15 and Jordan's 18 so its kind of lost that Christmassy feeling if you know what I mean....  The kids didn't get much due to us both being skint and maybe I'm wrong but I think they were a little disappointed. Hopefully, someday, I will be able to make it up to them. Anyway we went to my mum and dads, Lee had volunteered to cook all the Christmas dinner for us all. It was beautiful but I was still feeling sick so I didn't eat much. We played on Andy's Xbox Kinect in the conservatory at darts which was fun and Lee played golf with him as well. It was a laugh but I was glad to get home so that I could be sick in my own toilet which I promptly did as soon as we got through the door!!  I went to bed hoping the next day would be better

Boxing Day.... Logan left about 12 to go back to his dads. I was gutted to see him going but he had plans with his dad so off he went. I still remember him being born and being so tiny and now he's taller than me... I hope one day he will get his head round me being ill and visit more often. Or maybe come back to me. You never know... Anyway boxing day was a quiet affair just me and Lee watching Christmas TV and for most of it me sleeping and being sick in between.  Not a great day.

27th December.... Things are looking up. Woke up feeling on top of the world we have so much to do for the wedding so its time to go get favours for tables pay the final instalment to the florist and Woodkirk Valley Country Club and get things moving. So off we trotted to Country Baskets to get the favours sorted out we got little bags to put on the table with chocolates inside and champagne bubbles... nearly had a heart attack when we got to the till they cost a bloody fortune hope all my guests turn up otherwise the money will have been spent for nothing. 

New Years Eve.... We (Lee and I) headed to Missy Moo's (my best friend Sue Copeman's) for a bit of a party. Lee made an Egg and Potato salad and we took that with us. All of us attending made a dish, Tracey and Jon brought pizzas and beer (pizza's were burnt) lol. Kim and Simon brought spinach curry made by simon very nice and sue made chilli, lovely stuff. Nicks children Amelia and Grace were there they are both five year old twins as different as chalk and cheese. Amelia has straight brown hair to her shoulder and likes Dinosaurs and crafty things like baking and making things. Grace has blonde curly hair and just wants to be a princess, she loves dressing up and playing girly games. They are both very funny and cute to watch and love sue and their dad to bits.  We arrived at tea time Sue was at her dads with Amelia but Grace was at home with Nick in her princess dress. She changed into a red flamenco one for the party or flamingo as Grace calls it. 

Our evening consisted of Sue and Nick and Nick's twin girls Amelia and Grace, Simon and Kim and their two kids Lily-Mae and Theo, some friends of Simon and Kims and their daughter, I'm sorry to say I've forgotten their names and Jon and Tracey Beasley.  We ate the curry, chilli, pizza and more and it was lovely we all had a fantastic time. A good evening with lovely people. The kids even said Happy New Year to each other it was lovely to see. Then Sue came in and cried on my shoulder I promised her I'd be around for next year as I knew that was why she was crying it had crossed my mind as well.  I don't know how long I will be here for but I hope I will manage another new years eve.

New Years Day we chilled out at Nick and Sue's it was so relaxed we decided to stay another night.  The girls went home at tea time and gave us both big hugs before they left. Why can't all children stay at that age its so cute? Nick and Lee and Simon had arranged to go out for a kebab to a place that Nick knows which does giant ones and Sue and I were waiting at home for them to bring us one back.  Suprisingly the guys weren't gone for very long and soon arrived back with a Giant and I mean Giant kebab which Sue and I shared and there was still more than I could eat lol.  Then we settled down in front of the tv to watch idiot abroad we (Lee and I) haven't watched them before we were all soon howling with laughter. Sue says they are on sky so I'm determined to find them when I get home.

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