Sunday 19 February 2012

15th February - Chemo or not?

Yesterday Lee got me a two foot tall Valentines card and a little teddy bear for Valentines day. I'd simply got him a card and felt a big mean it was an expensive card though, one of those that come in boxes. I spent ages choosing the verse and it was perfect it said it all.   Its weird to think its our first ever Valentines day and we're already married...On the 30th April it will be a year since we met, I am waiting to see if Lee remembers. I only remember because it was the Royal wedding day and Sue and I had sat and watched it at one of the bars on the strip in Protaras whilst supping cocktails.

We had to go to the hospital for pre-assessment again today, once again though my line would not bleed back through my PICC line so I had to go get a number and wait in the queue for them doing. Luckily my veins weren't playing up so they got the blood the first time. It still bloody hurt though. Liz, the pre-assessment nurse says if I have the choice I should go for the Hickman line as they are a lot easier to cope with and have less chance of blocking off.  I'll consider that when we go for chemotherapy tomorrow.

We picked Logan up from his dads house after the hospital as he had a two foot card for his girlfriend along with a cuddly toy cow and a box of chocolates. Charlotte collects cows apparently just as well cos you could take it the wrong way if your boyfriend presented you with a cow, couldn't you?  He was embarrassed so we made the most of teasing him and parked up in the car park and headed for a quick look round the market.  Ossett market is getting more pathetic each week, less and less stalls. I'm going to suggest to Lee that we go off for the day and go to a town where they have a huge market to look around, I'd like that.   We took Logan to Eller Coffee opposite the libary in Ossett town centre, he wanted a bacon sandwich. I was a bit hungry too so I ordered a cheese and tomato panini and Lee had a bacon on chicken panini. It was lovely just to sit there and chat about things in general. A year ago I wouldn't have been able to do this with Logan as he would have been uncomfortable coming somewhere like this with his mum and would have moaned constantly about how bored he was.  It was Logan himself that pointed that out to me today as we sat and ate.  He's right we have got so much closer and I thank Lee for that I do think he should take all the credit.  His treating Logan like an adult when he comes, offering him a beer asking him what he wants to watch on TV all of that is a contributing factor.  The fact that he now has Charlotte I think has also helped he feels more adult now he has a girlfriend. I'm looking forward to meeting her although I don't think it will be anytime soon as he says we're embarrassing. What parent isn't??

By six o'clock I had practically lost my voice and down the right hand side of my throat felt bruised and I had earache. It just came on suddenly, no warning I'd been feeling fine all day, it was strange.
When we turned up for chemotherapy the following afternoon I was scared  that they wouldn't go ahead with treatment. Luckily I had Maria. The first thing I had to show her was my PICC line, there was blood in it.
"How did that happen?"
"I have no idea I got out the shower this morning and there it was, it wouldn't bleed back yesterday"
"Did they put some stuff down it to unblock the line"
"No, Liz wouldn't do it as she said it wasn't blocked" I told Maria.
"I wish they would listen on pre-assessment I know there's no blockage in the line as far as blood clots go but fibres of tissue could be wrapped round your line and the medication we put down it would erode that tissue away overnight hence allowing it to bleed back in the future. Thats why we ask for them to put it down to unblock it".
"Sorry Maria" 
"Its not your fault hon.  When she flushed it did she use a 20ml syringe?"
"I honestly don't know" I replied.
"Well next week when you go can you ask her to flush it with a 20ml syringe?"
"Yes I'll ask" I replied.
"How do you feel in yourself?"
"I feel fine I just have this sore throat, I'm coughing gunk up and my ear hurts" I told her.
"Well I think we should ge the doctor to look at you" Maria suggested.
"I don't want them cancelling my chemo though".
"I doubt they will she'll probably just give you anti-biotics and it'll save you a trip to the doctors"
"Okay then I'll see her".

I was prescribed Clarithormycin to take twice a day for a week and finish the course. More tablets?
Yuck. I settled down for my chemotherapy and Lee disappeared for a cigarette.
"Ooh was that the anti-sickness?" I asked beginning to prickle some half an hour later.
"Thats the flush I've already done the anti-sickness" Maria laughed.
"Well I must have had a delayed reaction then cos I feel like i've been thrown in nettles again.  Anyway I've got my wedding photos to show you so you're going to have to spare me some time so you can have a nosy"
"Oh go on I'll have five minutes now"  that was followed by "oo's" and "aa's" and "oh you've made me fill up now.  You both look gorgeous make sure you bring them in over the next couple of weeks then we can all see them" Maria suggested.
"We will don't worry".  Before I knew it the chemotherapy was over and I was done and it was time to go home. 
"All done see you next week".
"No you won't its my week off I'll see you the week after" I replied.
"That will be nice for you having a week off see you the week after then and enjoy your time off"
"I will bye Maria".

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