Thursday 26 January 2012

14th January 2012 - I do I do I do.

I awoke feeling happy and nervous at the same time... it was here our wedding day...I was due at the hairdressers first at quarter to ten. 
"How you feeling?" Sue asked me.
"I'm crapping myself" I replied.
"Would you like a bacon sandwich?" Mum asked me.
"Yes please".
"How you feeling?"
"Nervous, crapping myself" I replied. We pretty much sat in silence until I was due to leave for the hairdressers. I was shaking like a leaf. It was only when Sue parked up that I remembered I'd left my tiara at home.
"Its okay its okay where is it I'll go get it for you?" 
"Next to the bed" I told her and headed for the hairdressers whilst Sue headed back to mum and dads.
"Hi, I've got an appointment for Louise at quarter to ten"
"Okay I'll take your coat and if I can ask you to put this on please" the girl held out a black cape for me to put on and then showed me over to the sinks. "If you could sit on the second one for me please".
"Thanks" I followed her and sat down. Then Louise came over.
"So, how you feeling?"
"Nervous" I replied, "can't stop shaking" I added.
"You will be fine" she told me.
"Sue my friend and photographer has gone back for my tiara I left it behind in the rush. She wants to do some photos is that okay?"
"Yes no problem. I won't be drying your hair but Amy will and then I'll do the rest".
"Okay thanks".
"So are we going ahead with what we decided on the practice session?"
"Right then I'll leave you to get your hair washed".
I heard Sue arrive as I was getting my hair washed she took a seat and waited I was glad she didn't take photos as it was getting washed. Amy showed me over to a chair when Vicki came round the corner. 
"Loraine I didn't realise you were coming in at this time, if Lorna wants to come earlier then she can if you want to give her a ring".
"Okay yes I'll ring her" 
"Lorna its me Vicki says she can do your hair earlier than half ten and you can come now if you want?"
"Andy can you take me to hairdressers now?" I heard her ask. "Yes Andy says that fine tell her I'll be ten minutes"
"Okay." But Vicki had disappeared. "Sue can you tell Vicki Lorna will be up in ten minutes?"
"Yes no problem I'll tell her".
"Do you want a coffee?" Amy asked me.
"Yes coffee with milk and one sugar please"
"Same please".
"Can you get me two coffee's please?" Amy asked a colleague, she nodded and went in the direction of the staff room to make them.
Louise appeared after Amy had dried my hair with a pair of straighteners and asked for some hair grips and then the process of putting my hair up began and Sue began taking photos. Then Lorna arrived and started getting her hair done by Vicki. It was eleven o'clock before I was finished just in time for the beauty salon where I was due at 11.15. As we left the hairdressers I bumped into my neighbour also called Sue.
"Well, what do you think?" I did a twirl in the town centre whilst grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh Loraine it looks gorgeous"
"Thanks, I will see you at my wedding later I've got the beauticians next".
"Ooh busy busy busy, see you there".
I walked through the town centre my tiara on my head feeling like a princess and we headed to the beauticians.  As Sue and I entered Katherine the owner of the shop greeted us.
"Hello, ooh is it today you get married"
"It sure is" I laughed.
"Oh your hair looks gorgeous. Katy is waiting for you upstairs I need to pop out and get some sugar."
"Sue wants to take photos of me getting my nails done is that okay?"
"Of course it is anything we can do to make it go smoothly for you we will do". Katherine replied. "Go upstairs and take a seat".  I walked up the stairs and Sue followed Katy waited smiling broadly.
"Your hair looks fantastic".
"How you feeling?"
"Nervous my hands are shaking" I replied.
"You will be fine. So I'll do your feet first, okay?"
"Yep that's fine" I replied "It might relax me".
"Well I'm not taking photos of your feet" Sue said.
"Good I don't want you to" I laughed.
"What colour do you want for your toes?"
"I don't know really I'd not really thought about it"
"Have red" Sue said and we both laughed. Katy looked puzzled so I explained.
"Lee is a Leeds fan, hates red because he hates Manchester United so I was very tempted to wear red knickers today" I laughed and Katy and Sue joined in. "But, I won't have red, how about a hot pink?"
"This one?" Katy held out a pink.
"Yes perfect".
"Am I doing a french manicure on your fingernails?"
"Yes but not the bright white, the off white"
"No problem".  It was going on for twelve before my feet were done and Katy started on my nails.  Sue had already discovered the boys were in the Maypole in Ossett
"I saw Lorna's hair earlier it looked lovely and you look absolutely stunning" she told me. "Give me a hug" she held out her arms and we hugged.  "Have a fabulous day love you deserve it".
"Thanks Anita".

"Ooh you look lovely" my mum told me as she came to the door and gave me a hug.
"Thanks mum, now where's that champagne I need a drink" I told her laughing.
"Whens Kim coming to do your make up?"
"Just after two. Louise is coming to get me dressed at two. What I'm gonna do is go up and change my stoma bag have you got a dressing gown I can put on?"
"Yes love I'll get you one".
"I have to go at two" Sue told me. "If you want me to take those bags for you get them packed now and I'll put them in the car for you".
"Oh yes right thanks Sue" I headed upstairs changed my stoma bag and packed my overnight bag for the hotel then handed it to Sue.
"Right I'm gonna go take some photos of the boys and I will see you at the venue".
"Thanks Sue ooh give us a hug. See you there" we said our goodbyes and I gulped down my champagne just as Louise arrived to get me dressed. I don't know if I've mentioned Louise before at this point but she is a mobile seamstress who did the alterations to my dress (which were needed due to the amount of weight I'd lost and because all wedding dresses are made for someone approximately five foot seven inches tall as apparently no women are five foot three ha ha), anyway Louise had seen the PICC line in my arm and the bandage that I was so desperate to cover up and had offered to come and get me dressed and use the wrap that came with the dress in a way in which it would cover my bandage. I'd been grateful to accept her offer and here she was.
"So how are you feeling?"
"Shaking like a leaf I just need to get my stockings and shoes on I won't be a minute I told her and continued to dress in the back bedroom whilst she took her coat off.  Being a bride is a bit like having a baby you don't care about being nearly naked in front of a stranger.  Anyway underwear on I was ready and Louise took my dress off the hanger and held it out in front of me.
"Ready" I replied.
"Right this time instead of lifting your dress over your head you are going to step into it Loraine, I don't want to spoil your hair".
"Okay" as Louise held the dress still I stepped into it and she zipped it up at the side and then started on the ribbons of the corset at the back. It took a good fifteen minutes before she walked around the front of me.
"That looks fabulous, you look great, lets just sort out the wrap for you before you look"  she placed it around my arms and tied it at the back and then fastened it with a broach.  "Right that's it you're done" she told me. I grinned at her and opened the bedroom door and emerged into the hallway. Lorna was upstairs getting ready along with my mum.
"I'm ready just the make up to do" I said and they all emerged into the hall.
"Stunning, you look beautiful, oh mum how lovely" were just a few of the comments I received. I beamed back at all of them.
"Any sign of Kim yet?"
"A car has just pulled up outside" my dad answered.
"Jenna get the door I think Kim's here".
Kim arrived along with Simon and Krystyna, closely followed by Helen from Amaryllis with my flowers from our local flower shop.
"Come in" I said holding the door open as one by one they came in, Helen followed a big box in her hands filled with my bouquet, the bouquets for the bridesmaids and my mum and dads buttonholes. She showed my mum how to put the buttonholes on before leaving to take the remainder of the buttonholes up to a waiting Lee at our house.
"Right make up," Kim said in professional mode "can you sit on a chair by the window for me Loraine, its better for light. Can we have a towel?" she asked my mum, "no second thoughts can we have two towels, I can put one on her lap then make sure we don't get any make up on the dress".
"Yes no problem I'll go get you some" mum replied.
"Do you want champagne?" Lorna offered and Krystyna and Kim accepted.
"I'm driving" Simon replied.
"We have Coke?"
"No I'm fine thanks" Simon replied. The towels appeared and Kim began making me look gorgeous... as you may understand... it took a while ha ha. By three o'clock my make up was done, along with a couple of glasses of champagne  as we waited for the cars. My dad appeared downstairs just as the cars arrived outside. 
"Kim can you give Rosie a lift?" I asked. In all the rush I'd forgotten to arrange a lift.
"Yes course we can, come on love" Rosie smiled and followed her Krystyna and Simon to the car.
Next went Jenna and Lorna and my mum and I looked at my dad, "Ready?" he asked and I nodded. As I got outside I spotted Helen an old friend from HSBC she'd come to see me off and take some photos it was at that point I wished I'd invited her. There were tears in her eyes as she approached me. 
"You look gorgeous" she said and gave me a hug.. "Have a fab day you deserve it".
"Thanks Helen" I stepped away and headed to the car waiting for me, dad was already inside. Carol my mums neighbour over the road came out and waved then my mums other neighbour also called Carol came out and waved too. I was giddy by this point the driver of the car gave me a hand to get in the car and I sat next to my dad. I felt like a princess and couldn't wait to see Lee as we set off.

When we arrived Sue took a few photos before letting us go in and we arranged with the driver to wait til we were married and then drive us to the hotel where we would check in and drop our bags off.  Then I entered the building with my dad, we were greeted by Jane our wedding coordinator at Woodkirk and the registrar marrying me and Lee.
"Sorry we're a little early. I just couldn't wait any longer"
"Well we are all ready you can wait ten minutes or we can go ahead everyone is seated anyway"
"No that's fine we can go ahead now but I need to just nip to the loo and sort something out first"
"Do you want me to come help you?" Jane asked.
"Would you mind?"
"Of course not" she followed me into the toilets. "Whats wrong?"
"Its my stocking its almost around my ankle" I laughed. "God I'm nervous"
"Here you hold your dress and I'll pull it up." she instructed and hitched the stocking up for me."There is that alright?"
"Yes that's fine" I nodded and we headed back outside where my bridesmaids were waiting. Keeley a child of one of Lee's friends was wearing a dress similar in colour to my bridesmaids and he had talked her into being a flower girl for us. She stood smiling with Lorna and Jenna.
"Thank you for this Keeley" I smiled at the little girl and she smiled back. Bon Jovi Bed of roses faded out and our song by Lonestar, Amazed began to play I took some deep breaths as I listened to the introduction.

"Ready" I smiled a nervous smile and watched as the bridesmaids began to walk in front of me. I grabbed hold of my dads arm a little tighter and we began to walk slowly behind them.
Lee turned to look at me and I grabbed his hand he had tears in his eyes just like me. I squeezed his hand tightly.
"You look stunning"
"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself" I replied and smiled.  All our guests became quiet and the music stopped and our ceremony began.

"We are here today to celebrate the marriage of Lee McEvoy and Loraine Mooney. On their behalf I would like to welcome you all to Woodkirk Valley Country Club. I am sure it means a great deal to them that you can be here to share their happiness on this occasion.  This place in which we are now met has been duly sanctioned, according to law, for the celebration of marriages. You are here to witness the joining in matrimony of Lee McEvoy and Loraine Mooney. If any person present knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage he or she should declare it now".
Silence. I smiled at Lee and we turned to face each other his eyes were still brimmed with tears as were mine and I willed myself and him not to cry.
Lee and Loraine before you are joined in matrimony I have to remind you of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make. Marriage according to the law of this country is the union of one man with one woman, voluntarily entered into for life to the exclusion of all others. The purpose of marriage is that you may always love, care for and support each other through all the joys and sorrows of life; and that love may be fulfilled in a relationship of permanent and continuing commitment. Today Lee and Loraine wish to publicly affirm this commitment and offer each other the security that comes from legally binding vows sincerely made and faithfully kept.  Now I am going to ask each of you in turn to declare that you know of no lawful reason why you should not be married to each other.Will the bridegroom please say the following words after me."  Lee looked nervous as he repeated the words of the registrar.
"I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I Lee may not be joined in matrimony to Loraine".  Then it was my turn and I smiled nervously as I looked at Lee and repeated the words.
"Now the moment has come for Lee and Loraine to contract their marriage before you, their witnesses, family and friends. Will all that are able please stand?" Then she turned to Luke "Can we have the rings please" he pretended to have lost them which lightened the mood and everyone laughed.

"Will the bridegroom please say the following words after me whilst holding the ring on Loraine's finger."
"Loraine I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage, as a token of my love and affection and as a symbol of our commitment to each other. I call upon these persons here present to witness that I Lee. do take thee Loraine to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love and care for you, honour and respect you and share with you all that I have but I've only got twenty quid in my pocket." Everyone laughed including those that had been crying and the registrar. Lee waited then continued "May we look forward to our future together with hope and happiness and always remember the feelings we share for each other on this our wedding day."  Then it was my turn I was still laughing although my eyes were still filled with tears as I repeated the same vows.
"Lee and Loraine you have both made the declarations prescribed by law and have made your promises to one another in the presence of your witnesses here today. Let us hope that this day will form a special day in your lives to look upon with much love and happiness." The rings were on our fingers and we both grinned at each other broadly. Lee lent over to kiss me.
"Not yet!" The registrar laughed.
"Sorry" Lee smiled at her.
"Lee and Loraine it gives me great pleasure to declare that you are now husband and wife. Lee you may kiss the bride". We kissed and everyone clapped, cameras went off then we sat at the table to sign the marriage certificate.

We went for a ride in the wedding car to the hotel and Lee went to check us in. Sue and Nick had followed in their car to take photographs and Sue took a few shots as Lee was in the hotel with Nick. It was turning cold and Sue got in the car with me, whilst we waited for Lee and Nick to re-appear. Sue had a sip of champagne and I finished what was in my glass.
"I'm so happy for you" 
"Thanks Sue".
"Do you feel any different?"
"Happier" I told her smiling.
"I noticed you haven't stopped grinning all day"
"I know" we hugged and Sue left the car just as Lee re-appeared and got back in the car beside me.
"The hotel room is gorgeous" Lee told me.
"Good can't wait" I told him.

When we got back to the venue the room was very busy. The bar was crowded and it was very loud. Jane sat Lee and I on two posh chairs to introduce us to the room, then Lee decided he needed the loo and off he went. After what seemed like ten minutes he re-appeared I'm pretty sure he was outside having a cigarette.  Jane hit a gabble against the bar and introduced us to the room so we could go take our seats along with everyone else.
Unfortunately, a lot of the seats around the tables were empty, some people had told us and we'd filled their seats earlier in the week with people just coming during the evening. Some people however had let us know at the last minute and their seats were empty which I'd expected. However some seats now were empty due to people not bothering to let me know and that was quite upsetting especially as their meals were paid for something we could ill afford to start with. I was a little upset but the people here were the ones that mattered and I tried to put it out of my mind.  The speeches went well, Logan even got up and did a little unprepared speech which I hadn't been expecting and I felt very proud. Everyone looked stunning around me and I was really impressed with the effort everyone that had turned up had made.
The meal was out of this world and the staff at the venue did us proud as the service was really brilliant. Everyone seemed to be having a good time Sue started taking group photos in the room where we'd said our vows and things were ticking along nicely. Just after seven our evening guests started arriving. I was thrilled to see old and new friends and introduced Lee to as many as I could but it was all a little hectic to say the least. It was after nine as the barbecue was getting laid out for our evening guests when I realised how little of them had turned up.  We'd catered for another fifty arriving at night, however there were less than twenty evening guests that showed up, again another waste of money.  We had had some last minute cancellations for the evening but only for twelve people, certainly not for thirty eight.  However, the empty dance floor didn't put us off and we all had a great time.  All too soon it was midnight and people began to leave Lee and I ordered a taxi and were the last to leave the venue as we headed to the hotel to check in.

"Oh wow its gorgeous isn't it?" I said to Lee as we entered the room.
"I told you it was nice" Lee replied as I opened the door to the bathroom, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Lee you have to come and see this" I laughed as he came along to the bathroom and I opened the door.  The back wall of the bathroom was brick red... Lee's face was a picture.
"Did you arrange this?" He asked and I laughed.
"Sorry" I apologised still laughing.
"Its okay Mrs McEvoy I'll let you off". 

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