Monday 23 January 2012

2nd January - 13th January - Wedding plans...

It is such a busy time organising a wedding and to be honest its driving me nuts. We need to get our final guest list and numbers in before 6th January and just when I think we are getting there ... it all falls to pieces again.

First of all there's the table plan. I've given Lee the job of designing it and I'm doing the organisation of the tables and who is sitting where...its trickier than I thought.  Anyway we bought a big canvas board and lots of gold stickers to decorate it with. On the top Lee wrote Mr & Mrs McEvoy would like to welcome you all on our Wedding Day. That was quite funny as he kept loosing letters there were three of each. First of all he lost an M so we decided turn the W's upside down and use them, then we realised we wouldn't have enough W's and were just deciding what to do when the M re-appeared attached to the chair.... (I think it was Lisa's idea of a joke).  I don't know if I've written in my blog about Lisa my best friend she died five years ago suddenly after collapsing she'd had a bleed on her brain and never came round. Anyway, I'm very spiritual and I feel her around me all the time. I loose things and just say out loud "Lisa, I've lost so and so, can you help me find it" and whatever I've lost will re-appear usually in a place I've already looked.  Anyway as Lee worked on the table planner I concentrated on the seating. On the 5th January I got word that eight people we invited weren't coming, then the following day another two cancelled. I hurriedly moved people that were coming at night to the daytime so we wouldn't loose too much money. The venue was paid we had paid £20.50 for ninety people during the day and £14 for one hundred and thirty people to come at night. As Friday neared more and more people cancelled and I was really freaking out.  What else could go wrong? My mum and dad re-assured me the people that were coming were the people who count but it didn't get any easier as more people said they were skint and couldn't afford to come. I was gutted.
We submitted our Table plans to the venue on Friday 6th January with as much detail of seating as we could. Our numbers had dropped from 90 to 80 during the day so we'd overpaid by two hundred pounds on the daytime reception. Evening guests had dropped by about twelve people but we hadn't catered for all one hundred and fifty invited anyway as we had counted on the daytime guests not being overly hungry after eating at five so we'd reduced the numbers by twenty and decided to keep these the same. 

Then, the following Tuesday dawned and things went from bad to worse our DJ and his girlfriend advised they were too skint to make it.  Lee was fuming and I was well gutted... what could we do? Four days before the wedding and no DJ we rang our venue and asked if there was anything they could do? They advised they'd get back to us luckily on the Wednesday morning and advised that their DJ could do it and we just had to ring him with our first dance song and any other song choices we wanted him to have available. Then Lee's parents rang they were flying to us via Heathrow arriving in Heathrow on the Wednesday and then flying up to Manchester on the Thursday. They had been seated on the plane for two hours when they were advised there was an engine fault and they had to get off. They were being put up in the hotel overnight in Larnaca but hadn't a clue when they would get a plane.  Then I had the news that my flower girl and her family had cancelled we were another six down..that was another one £120 gone. And we had to find a further £120 to pay for the new DJ. Our one who had been coming was doing it as a present we hadn't allocated a further £120 and I was crapping myself about finding the money... but after moving this that and the other around we scraped the money together and I rang the payment through.  Rosi our friend from Cyprus and Luke's ex girlfriend arrived on Wednesday evening. Lee had gone to the supermarket for some crisps and booze for us both. Jenna announced they were going out and I questioned how she could afford it, she had kept telling me she had money left but I had no idea why. Even though I'd been ill I'd been watching what she was spending and I was sure she had spent more than her wage. She re-assured me she has budgeted for our wedding and had money left so off they headed out for the night. Then finally some good news Lee's mum and Dad had left Larnaca and would arrive with us on Thursday around 7pm. And Luke, Lee's best friend was arriving on Friday morning. Things were coming together finally.

We met Lee's mum Steph and dad Barry at the train station on Thursday evening and took them to their hotel to drop their bags off. Only when we arrived we had the wrong hotel haha. They had booked in at the Premier Inn in Wakefield. Unfortunately they were three Premier Inn hotels in Wakefield I knew of two but not the third one...after having some food at the HolmfieldSteph and Barry along to meet them all prior to the wedding. 

So, the following day we headed for the train station first to pick Luke up. We were waiting at Wakefield westgate when he text me to say he was arriving at Wakefield Kirkgate station. Lee and I jumped in the car and headed to pick him up.  It was lovely seeing Luke again lots of hugging went on before we headed to  pick up Steph and Barry they were at the Red Kite it was around 12.30 when we joined them. Barry bought a round of drinks in and we sat there for a while chatting about the wedding etc. I felt relaxed for the first time in ages I was still horrified that we had had so many people cancel but it couldn't be helped. We had a laugh before heading to our house around 3 o'clock. Logan was already there when we arrived and I told him we were going to head to the Maypole for tea however, there wasn't enough room in the car.  I had my bag packed as I was staying overnight at my mums and Sue had advised me that she would be arriving around seven.  Logan, Luke, Rosi and Jenna set off walking to the pub and we headed down in the car with Barry and Steph. There was a change in Logan I noticed it straight away he was so grown up suddenly and a lot more attentive to me. We had a lovely meal and a few drinks at the Maypole and headed down for my mum and dads around six thirty.  It was a full house when we arrived. Aunt Magaret, Uncle Iain, Ross and Clare, Lorna, Andy and Aunt Mary and Uncle Douglas were already there. We parked up the car and headed in.  Lee, Barry, Steph then Rosi and Luke were all introduced and we sat drinking and chatting. Everyone was getting on and Barry even took an interest in my dads soldier collection he was beaming as he proudly showed them off.  Then Missy Moo arrived complete with camera equipment and folding bed to sleep in.  My dad was greeted as Victor (she calls him Victor Meldrew) to be fair I can see a resemblance in the way they act.  My dad greeted sue as Sue, Sue, barney mcgrew, cuthbert, dibble and grub he's done that since they first met, they wind each other up and its amusing to watch. Shortly after Sue arrived my Aunt Mary, Uncle Douglas, Aunt Mags, Uncle Iain, Ross and Clare left as they had booked their dinner for seven thirty.  We all said our goodbyes and waited for the arrival of my Aunt Shirley, Uncle Alan and their son David and his girlfriend Jodie. Elle and John were coming but were going to stay at the hotel as Elle is six months pregnant so they would see us at the wedding.  It was a lovely evening Lee and his parents stayed until about nine then headed off, Lee and Luke, Logan and the girls to the pub, and Lee's mum and dad to the hotel. Then Lorna and Andy left to collect Jordan from work and shortly afterwards my Uncle Alan, Aunt Shirley, David and Jodi left too. My dad disappeared to the pub and that left Sue, my mum and I.  By eleven I was knackered and headed to bed leaving them both chatting downstairs.  Tomorrow, is my wedding the nerves are kicking in!

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