Sunday 29 January 2012

23rd January - And for my next trick!!

I don't know how many of you in Britain are aware of this but even though we have a benefits system its quite crap for those people that don't normally claim! Yes I'm on my soap box again. I've been off work since August last year now when I was diagnosed as having terminal cancer, as a result of this, and having time off work in 2010 when I was diagnosed with cancer, I have huge arrears built up on my mortgage.  Back in September I heard of a scheme that Wakefield Council were running called the Mortgage Rescue Scheme and met with one of their mortgage rescue workers called Jane. Wakefield council help people who have gotten into arrears with their mortgage by submitting these cases to Yorkshire Housing association, a charitable housing association who will then step in and buy your house before its put under a repossession order and rent it back to you at a reduced rent. It seemed like the ideal way of staying here but not having a mortgage to worry about. When their mortgage worker came out and looked the house over she reckoned market value would be about one hundred and twenty thousand which meant it would pay my mortgage off and leave me some money left over, even better!!  So when I got word from them that Yorkshire Housing were coming out to see me on Tuesday 24th I was over the moon thinking we could get things moving and finally we'd have some money... however, my life never was that simple.

"I'm afraid the independent valuers report has only valued the property at one hundred thousand pounds" he told me, and my heart sank.  
"But one hundred thousand won't pay what I owe on the mortgage I owe one hundred and one and then there's the other debts that I have outstanding, I was hoping we would have enough to pay those as well" I explained crying.
"Maybe I didn't explain properly but let me talk you through it" Kevin said softly. "We have to make some profit so we only offer ninety percent of the valuation, our offer to HSBC will be for ninety thousand"
"Oh god that's worse" I moaned.
"But, in my experience they will accept it. If they were to go to repossession and auction it off they'd be lucky to get sixty thousand they know that so I doubt they will risk it." he explained.
"But theres the other debts as well" I told him. "A loan with HSBC from when I worked with them, an overdraft from my old bank account and several credit cards".
"Loraine, although we can't promise anything once we are involved in a lot of instances other debts are written off" he told me. "Those that aren't will be offered a very minimum repayment".
"Okay" I nodded.  He then explained how he would need to look around the rest of the property and put down any areas he suspected may need looking at. This would be submitted to his Clerk of works named Fred who would then come out with a construction worker for Yorkshire housing and they would draw up a list of repairs. He left me paperwork and went for a tour of the house with Lee, my heart was breaking. I have worked so hard over the years buying the house in 2002 after my divorce and working hard to keep the mortgage going and keep a roof over our heads for the next ten years and now... now what will I have to show for it? Nothing! No profit whatsoever... I can honestly say I am gutted but I have no choice but to go ahead. There are repairs needed to the house which I can't afford to get done, meaning my house wouldn't sell on the open market, its six months since I paid the mortgage and HSBC will soon be moving for a repossession order so I have to sell!!  I can't get any help with the mortgage through housing benefit because I can't claim it for a mortgage as they stopped that and only provide housing benefit for rented properties now apparently.  So I get cancer, get told I'm terminal .. and now I have to say goodbye to my house... sometimes... life really sucks!!

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