Monday 30 January 2012

28th January - The weekend is here.

Lee woke up earlier than me I didn't sleep very well due to the pain in my stomach. The painkillers are definitely not taking the edge off.  He'd taken Logan home before I'd gotten out of bed so unfortunately I didn't get to say goodbye, sorry Logan.

When I did eventually get myself  into gear I decided it was time to show Lee some of the nice scenery where we live. I opted for a drive to Newmillerdam I knew he'd love it.  As we drove around the corner and he saw the trees and the water his eyes lit up.
"The car parks the next turning left I'm pretty sure we can park for free with the disabled badge" I told him.  "Afterwards we could go to the pub over the road for some lunch if you feel like it we have enough for that".
"Okay, you sure your up for this?" He asked me and I smiled. 
"I'll hold onto your arm I should be fine" I told him and we began to walk.
"When my mum and dad come back we will have to bring them here".
"I would've brought them last time but the weather was so shitty" I laughed. "Not like today its gorgeous today" and it was the sun was shining it was a little cold but the sky was blue and it was a lovely day.
We walked and talked looking at the benches with the little memory plaques on them it was just so peaceful and I loved it. 

Two hours later we walked into the Fox and Hounds, Lee ordered a pint of Blond something or other and I ordered a medium white wine. We sat on a red leather seat to the side of the restaurant.
"Its nice here I like it" 
"I've never been here before the last time I came for something to eat was with Jo and we went to the Dam Inn but the staff there are a little rude and snotty". 
"Yes" I nodded. "Shall we get some menus?" Lee handed me a menu and I read through it there was some lovely stuff on there but I wasn't hungry enough for a large meal and opted for a steak filled baguette. Lee wanted the prawn in Marie rose sauce baguette and i ordered a side portion of chips.
When they came I was surprised at how big the sandwiches were, and realised the side portion of chips weren't necessary as the baguettes came with a side salad and some crisps. I will say it is the best steak baguette I have had in ages and I highly recommend the Fox and Hounds pub at Newmillerdam for a fantastic lunch.

All in all it was a pretty good weekend we joined blockbusters and I have a DVD Player in my room now.  So when my Chemotherapy starts again I can lie in bed and watch movies if I'm too tired to come downstairs. Shame I don't have Sky in the bedroom though Free view is a little limiting as to what you can watch on TV.  The battles with Jenna over her finances and keeping her room tidy continue daily but I'm learning to not stress about it anymore.

We continue to buy scratch cards and lottery tickets in the hope that we will win the lottery before my house is signed over and I continue to hope that when I got back for my CT scan results the Chemotherapy will have worked and that maybe by some miracle I won't be dying any more.

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