Sunday 6 November 2011

Saturday 22nd October - Welcome to Ossett.

Thursday had been a whirlwind and whizzed past. I'd taken Lee to meet my parents and then into town to introduce him to my Sister. We were busy busy busy. Lee had slotted right in, everyone loved him and got on with him really well. On Friday night Lorna and Andy had come over and we'd had a few drinks me taking it steady I wasn't drinking much these days... made me feel sick. I think it was the mixing with Morphine that did it. My medications been increased again the morphine has gone up to 50mg, 12 hourly and as long as I stay on top of it I don't even get a headache. But on the few occasions when I've lapsed Christ it hurts. God knows where the cancer is now but it feels like its everywhere. Anyway its CT Scan day today at St James's. I haven't had a CT scan here before. I had my bone scan here but normally my CT scans are at Dewsbury or Pinderfields but today, today its at St James's. I'm dreading it though worried in case the can't find a vein to put the dye in.
"You'll be fine" Lee told me as we got in the car.
"I hope so. I hope they can find a vein" I told him that's the only bit that's worrying me still.
The roads were clear, unusual for a Saturday afternoon and we got to St Jame's within twenty five minutes arriving fifteen minutes before I thought we were due. My appointment time on my letter had said 1.10pm but I knew I had to arrive an hour before the appointment so it was ten to twelve when we walked into Radiology.
"You're an hour early" the reception looked up quizzing our faces. 
"Oh, I thought I'd have to be here an hour early" I told her. "I normally have my CT scans at Dewsbury or Wakefield and you always have to arrive an hour early to drink the yukky stuff".
"Really? Oh well take a seat I'll have a word we're not busy so we should be able to fit you in" the receptionist smiled. I looked at Lee apologetically "Sorry I got it wrong".
"Don't worry about it babe".
"Loraine Mooney?"
"Here" I called out and the lady walked towards me with a jug of clear liquid.
"We need you to drink this slowly over the next hour and save some until just before you begin your xray".
"I know the drill its fine" I told her. "But, that looks like water".
"It is"
"No aniseed flavoring?"
"Nope we don't do that anymore"
"Really, get in" I laughed. "Sorry I couldn't stand the taste".
"Not many could love".
"I have a Urostomy bag can I still empty it as normal?"
"I'll check and come back to you". She returned about twenty minutes later. 

"Yes Loraine you can still empty as normal" she told me.
"Okay thanks".
"I need you to take your bra off if its under wired but other than that you can keep your clothes on".
"Oh, okay". I went to the toilets and came back with my bra in my bag. Lee whistled and I laughed embarrassed. I continued to drink my water and Lee went to the shop for a paper and returned with a a paper and crisps.
"I got you some for after".
"Right, thanks".
"Loraine Mooney?"
"Come with me please" 
"Come on Lee"
"Am I okay to come?" 
"Yep we're just moving rooms so I can put something in your arm for the injection".
"Oh yes no problem". I smiled shitting myself. They needed a vein what was betting there would be none to find. The guy showed me into a room and Lee took a seat outside.
"I'm dreading this. I'm having to got for a PICC line putting in cos they couldn't get a vein for my chemo" I told him.
"Okay well we can give it a go and just see" the man replied. "Ready?" I nodded "sharp scratch. right well I think we're ready I'm just going to try and flush it and make sure its in". he told me.
"okay" I looked away and winced.
" Its in," he smiled.
"Yep if you go take a seat we'll call you in a minute or two".
I went out to the waiting room beaming at Lee. "He got it in first time look" I showed him my arm proudly.
"nice one rest is easy then?"
"Loraine Mooney?"
"Okay here goes see you in about twenty minutes half an hour".
"I'll be waiting".
"Okay Loraine if you want to lie down I'll give you a cover you just need to slip your jeans down to your knees".
"okay" god this was different you were normally gowned up at Pinderfields or Dewsbury and boy I hated those gowns. 
"Okay Loraine if you put your arms above your head for me we're gonna take one x-ray, then we'll inject the dye into your arm and take another x-ray okay".
"Yep fine". The one thing I hate about the x-ray for the CT scan is what I call the polo mint its a hole you move into the problem being that its a little claustrophobic. You only have a small gap between your face and the x-ray machine.
"Right breathe in" I held my breath "and breathe away. Right we're going to inject the dye now Loraine it'll make you feel a little warm and you may feel like you're wetting yourself but don't worry you won't be".

"Breathe in Loraine" the speaker boomed and I held my breath "and.. breathe away". The door opened to the x-ray room. "Right I'm just going to disconnect you and take out the canula" (that's not spelt right but I haven't got a clue how you spell it ... its the needle that goes in your arm).  "Right, I'll just put you some cotton wool and tape on, you can take it off in an hour or so. Okay you're free to get dressed Loraine and go".
"That was sooo much quicker than Pinderfields and Dewsbury".
"In what way?"
"Well they both make you gown up and it takes forever. I'm glad I had this one done here I think I'll ask for them all to be here from now on".
"Well there is no need for you to gown up as long as you're not wearing metal" she told me.
"Well thanks will the results go back to the consultant".
"When's your next appointment?"
"I haven't got one to be honest but I start chemo on Tuesday and I know they wanted the results back prior to that".
"That's fine they'll be able to access them from Monday".
"Okay thanks".
"No problem".
I came out of the room and there was Lee waiting for me patiently. "That's it I'm done we can go"
"That was quick".
"I know it takes a lot longer at Pinderfields and Dewsbury".

I spoke to Phil and Alison later that evening and we arranged to meet at the Maypole in Ossett at 7.30. Lee was looking forward to seeing Phil again they'd gotten along quite well in Cyprus it was someone for him to talk too who was going through the same as me as Alison has cancer too.  We haven't been into Ossett drinking as such on a night so this was going to be an eye opener for Lee.
"Mm, I like it in here" Lee said looking round the Maypole.
"Its a nice pub, foods not right cracking though" I told him. "Everything's frozen food not homemade".
"Won't come here for a meal then" Lee smiled.  "What do you want to drink?"
"I'll have a bottle of Bulmers, what are you having?"
"Fosters I think" Lee looked at the pumps. 

Alison and Phil turned up ten minutes or so later and we had a great time talking for hours and Phil and Lee chatted away. We discussed our forthcoming weddings and how the preparations were going.
"The only thing I have sorted is my dress and the bridesmaid dresses, nothing else sorted at all" I laughed. "Well we've booked the venue but Lee hasn't seen it yet that's something I have to sort out yet".
Whilst we talked time moved on and around ten we moved to CJ Moodys the only place left for people to dance in Ossett really since all the other pubs shut down.  We stood up by the dj stand and Lee looked on at the dance floor his mouth on the floor. You see, Lee is a really good salsa dancer and he's a pretty good mover on the dance floor as a result.
"What you thinking?" I asked laughing at the astounded look on his face.
"That no one in Ossett or at least in here has got a clue how to dance... and well... I've never seen so many ugly people in one place".
"Welcome to Ossett!" I laughed and he smiled.
"Its good to be here, a couple more weekends coming round here and I'll get up and dance and show them how its done".
"Can't wait" I laughed and kissed him. We had an excellent night and got home after a few more drinks in the Thorntree it was a good night.

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