Wednesday 9 November 2011

Thursday 27th October - Sunday 30th - Sick, sick everywhere!

I just want to apologise to everyone who are avid readers of my blog I've not written one recently as I've been feeling pretty crappy. This is pretty much how my week has gone.

Wednesday, was a fairly good day I hadn't really had a clue what to expect I'd rang the registry office first thing to book our appointment to register our bans, only to realise we had a problem. As well as us both providing proof of who we are, i.e. our passports we also need to show proof of address in the UK and we both need to have our divorce papers from any previous marriages. I explained to the woman on the phone that although Lee is a British citizen he's been out of the country for the past seven years and has no proof of the address as he's living with me and everything is currently in my name. I'm not sure what we can provide for Lee as far as proof of address goes.
"Sorry, its just all Lee has is a passport we're running into brick walls since he got home. We've got to apply for a new driving licence for him as well because he lost it whilst he was out in Cyprus".
"Ah, well if its a new driving licence I think we will be able to accept that from you, if you hang on a second for me I can check"
"Okay thanks" I listened as the elevator style music played in the background.
"I've checked for you and that's fine we can accept a driving licence for Lee as it will be a new one. We need to see your decree absolutes as you advised you've both been married before and divorced, is that right?"
"Yes that's right. So let me just check for Lee we need to bring his passport, driving licence and his decree absolute. And for me passport, recent utility bill  and decree absolute".
"That's right".
"Okay and is there any fee to pay?"
"Yes its thirty-three pounds fifty each so sixty-seven pounds to pay on the day".
"Okay well they said a week for Lee's licence so can we book it for two weeks time?"
"Yes that's fine and if it hasn't turned up you can always re-arrange it with us Loraine. So lets have a look, we have Friday the 4th at ten-twenty?"
"Yep that's fine thank you".
"Okay Loraine we will see you and Lee a week on Friday".
"Yes darl?"
"I've booked for our meeting at the registry office its Friday the 4th at ten twenty okay?"
"Great darl."
"Shall I ring Woodkirk Valley and book  to go for a look around it then you can see it?"
"Yes darl see if they have anything for Saturday"
"Okay I will give her a ring", so I picked up the phone again. "Jane? Its Loraine Mooney Lee's arrived from Cyprus and I was wondering if we could come and have a look around the venue".
"We're just finishing off the re-decorating Loraine so yes that's fine if you could come for about five o'clock?"
"Yes that's fine I'll see you then".
"Right that's booked then" I told Lee as he came into the room. "So registrar is booked for a week on Friday and we're going for a look around at five on Saturday".
"That's great darl. I've finished Logan's bedroom just need to get his blind" Lee told me. Since he arrived Lee has been decorating my house non stop. We've started with the kids rooms as originally Logan had the big room but he's moved out to live with his dad now so it was only fair really that as Jenna is here full time she gets the big room back. So we've swapped the rooms over and Lee's has been busy decorating both of them. Logan's room looks brilliant the walls are magnolia on three with a navy blue feature wall like he wanted. His bedding is red and black. Lee's getting him a black venetian blind and we've got a red table lamp and a red rug for his room. Its looking really good. Jenna's has been painted in magnolia on three walls and then again a feature wall in a pale duck egg blue as requested. The bedding she has is stripes in various shades of cream, and a duck egg blue stripe followed by a deeper blue stripe and a purple one. So we've accessorised her room with a purple lamp, purple shade and curtains. We've covered the grey sofa bed (which was Logan's) with a cream throw and cushions and we're going to get her a duck egg blue rug but at present its out of stock in all Argos stores so we're waiting for it to come back into stock then that's her room finished for her. As I said he's been busy, bless him.
Unfortunately my good mood and the way I was feeling didn't continue and by the time Thursday evening arrived I had been sick quite a few times and was feeling really ill. Sue, my friend (Missy moo) on facebook

By the time Linda's colleague Julie arrived on the Friday I was being constantly sick and I was feeling absolutely dreadful,.
"I am so sick of this" I whimpered to Lee as I lifted my head from out of the bowl whilst I sat on the settee in tears.
"I wish I could take it away from you darl. At least the nurses are coming to see you tomorrow I'm sure they'll sort you out.  I was still puking on Friday afternoon when Julie came to see me. It was typical Lee had held off going out for the groceries we needed to see her. He'd only been gone five minutes when she turned up.
"Oh love you look dreadful"
"Trust me I look better than I feel" I told her. "The sickness is horrendous. I haven't eaten since Tuesday not that my appetites been good cos it hasn't but now I'm not keeping anything down and I'm pretty sure as soon as I took the cyclizine etc this morning I just brought it straight back".
"Okay first things first I think what I need to do is get your anti sickness changed and that should hopefully sort it out. We'll give it a go over the weekend. I'll give your GP a call. Can someone pick up a prescription for you?"
"Yes Lee's just nipped out so he can go for it when he gets back", I told her.
"Right, so if this change in your medication doesn't work what I will do is speak to the district nurses Loraine and see if we can get a syringe driver sorted out. Did Linda explain what one was to you?"
"There's no need I had one after my surgery last year because I was really sick. I know from experience that it will work its a little uncomfortable but I'd rather be uncomfy and not being sick than battle on anymore."
"Okay well what I'll do is ring the nurses up Loraine and have them on stand by with a syringe driver just in case. Me or one of my colleagues will give you a call on Monday morning and see how things are if things have improved then they'll be no need and we can cancel the syringe driver if they haven't we will come out with one for you."
"Okay I'm back at st james's for my pre-assessment on Monday that's the only thing the appointments at one fifteen".
"Oh okay. Well how about we give you a ring on Monday morning as I said and then if you need one we can get it sorted out for you and get the district nurses to come out with it for you at teatime?"
"Yes okay that's fine".
"Right then well I hope you feel better soon Loraine, you take care and try get your head down, sleep is the best cure when you're feeling sick."
"I know its pretty much all I've done other than being sick".
"Aw bless you. Right I'll see myself out shall I?"
"Thanks Julie".
"Bye Loraine".
I lent back on the settee ... oh god here we go again... hand over mouth I ran to the bathroom... again!
"Have I missed her?" Lee asked upon his return.
"You had just left, when she turned up" I told him. "And, you've only missed her by a couple of minutes".
"How you feeling?"
"Horrific that's the third time since you've been gone. I think I might go up and try and sleep again".
"I think you should you look worse. Come on I'll take you up". That was pretty much all I saw of Friday because I went to bed and slept I spoke to Sue briefly and we agreed that she come over on Saturday afternoon with Nick. Prior to me going to see the wedding venue with Lee.

Throughout Friday night and all day Saturday if I I wasn't sleeping I was being sick. I could smell sick everywhere I went but it must have been in my nostrils because no one else in the house could smell it. I slept throughout the day and night of Saturday waking up only occasionally to be sick or go to the loo. The sickness gradually got worse throughout Saturday night and at two am Sunday morning I found myself cuddling the toilet again, Lee was either holding my hair back or rubbing my back throughout every sickness episode. I had pain down my left arm, pain in my kidneys and a horrible taste in my mouth that I couldn't get rid of. My forefinger and thumb on my left hand was completely numb and the pain shooting down my arm was shocking. I put it down to the referred pain  thing again upped my morphine and prayed it was going to get easier. I woke late on Sunday feeling a tad better than I'd been.
"I better get dressed for Sue and Nick coming" I said to Lee as I walked into the kitchen.
"I don't think Sue will be worried if you are  dressed or not. What about a cup of tea darl and a slice of toast?" Lee asked me.
"Okay I'll try" I replied. I got dressed anyway into a pair of leggings and a loose fitting t-shirt. I took my morphine tablet and the anti-sickness tablets and plonked on the sofa putting the telly on. Lee brought me in a cup of tea and i snuggled under the throw on the settee. Lee brought in a cup of a tea and a slice of toast and I had a sip of tea and about two bites of toast before I ran to the bathroom to be sick YET again.
"Will you be okay if I nip out and get some shopping before Sue and Nick arrive? We're out of milk and bread".
"No I'll be fine I'll probably dose off anyway. I think I'm gonna have to put off the visit to the wedding venue though Lee I'm not fit to get in the car I don't think I'd make it without being sick and I don't want to walk in covered in puke do I?"
"Yes I think you should cancel give them a ring and just say you're ill and can we re-arrange it? But don't book another visit tell her you'll ring when you're better. I won't be long" Lee lent over and gave me a kiss.  
Lee had been gone about ten minutes when the door went and I heard Missy Moos voice saying "Hello" I got up and walked towards the door my legs wobbled as I reached the living room door to see Nick and Sue stood there.
"Hello" I smiled weakly.
"Oh my god, look at you, you skinny cow" Sue smiled and gave me a hug.
"Hiya Nick".
"Hi Loraine, you alright?"
"Not right cracking feeling sick in all honesty".
"Go sit down you look terrible, where's Lee?"
"He's just had to nip out for some milk and bread" I replied.
"I've got your invites wait til you see them" Sue told me excitedly and handed me a box.
"Ooh I can't wait can you open the box for me?" Sue proceeded to cut through the tape and opened it up. I pulled the top invite out..."oh they're fantastic aren't they?" I handed one to Sue.
"They're really lovely Loraine, really classy. Here Nick have a look".
"Yes the are lovely" Nick agreed, at that point Lee pulled up in the car outside and Sue smiled and got off her seat and waved to Lee.
"Hello you its nice to finally meet you" Sue gave Lee a hug and he returned it. "Lee this is Nick, Nick this is Lee" 
"Hi mate" Nick gave Lee's hand a shake.
"Right shall I make a cup of tea?"
"Yes please" I replied. "I kept the last one down so you never know I may be okay" Sue followed Lee to the kitchen saying she would give him a hand. "Nick you never saw my ring did you I held out my hand for him to have a look".
"Oh that's lovely".
"Thanks Nick".
"So how you feeling?" Sue asked me a concerned look on her face.
"Not good. I hate being sick and that's all I've done".
"You poor thing. Have you cancelled your fireworks party next week? I think you should you're not fit Loraine. We're having a fireworks party for Amelia and Grace and we're gonna get Jon and Tracey round and Simon and Kim with Theo and Lilly-Mae why don't you join us you could come over and stop the night. Then if you wanted to go into Haworth for the day you could?" I looked at Lee.
"Yep I think that's a good idea. You're not fit for a party just now but we could maybe have a Christmas one instead".
"Okay providing I've stopped being sick we'll come over" I smiled at Sue. "Oh Lee in that box there's the invites what do you think?"
"Oh yes I like them they're lovely who did these again?"
"Well Simon designed them and i chose it all. Best thing is it only cost us for the ink which was £70 including the envelopes".
"Really? That's good".
"It is considering for the same sort of design Debenhams were charging £224 for 150 so I've saved us some money".
"So I just need to get them written and posted out now".
"Oh, envelopes... that's what Kim asked me to tell you there's a choice of two in the box you've to choose which ones you want and let Kim now and she'll order them she should have them in time for the fireworks party which means you should be able to pick them up from her".
"Mm okay" I can't remember the rest of Sue's conversation cos I fell asleep during her visit and didn't wake up until both her and Nick had left much later.

"What do you think to Sue and Nick?" I asked Lee when I woke up much later that evening.
"I think they make a lovely couple" Lee smiled and gave me a cuddle. "It'll be nice going over to there's and going somewhere different. I'm looking forward to it".
"Me to it'll be good and it'll be nice to meet the girls I haven't met them yet".
"Yes really it will be good to meet them both together" I stood up and everything started to spin... "ooh I don't feel too good again. Think I'm gonna be sick".
"I'll get you a bowl" and sure enough the sickness started again, "I have so had enough of this" I whinged to Lee. "Someone up there is enjoying making me suffer and I don't find it at all amusing".
"You'll be okay it'll get better".
"I'm sorry this can't be much fun for you."
"Don't apologize we're going through it together remember, you'll be fine".
"I hope so, I'm not ready to go anywhere yet".
"You're not its not your time".
"Sorry I'm gonna be sick again" I said running past Lee to get to the loo. He came in and held my hair out of the way and rubbed my back as I was sick over and over again. Apart from anything else I was exhausted. "I have so had enough of this Lee I don't know how much more I can take. If this is chemo for you I'm not sure I want any more". I looked up at Lee tears streaming down my face.
"Hey you, you'll get through this, we will get through it together, come here" Lee held me whilst I cried into his shoulder. "Have you finished being sick?"
"I think so,"
"Come on then I'll help you up to bed" my legs wobbled underneath me as I walked slowly up the stairs and into the bedroom. I got into bed and Lee tucked me in. "Try and get some sleep darl then you might feel better. I'll bring up a bowl and a glass of water just in case you feel sick again".
"Okay, thanks and sorry this can't be much fun for you".
"Don't apologize its not your fault. We're at your pre-assment at the hospital tomorrow, I'm sure they will sort you out".
"I hope so, cos I feel like shit".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loraine,

    I came across your blog after I saw your post on the Loose Women wall about marriage. My name is Alison and I am a freelance features writer for all the national women's magazines in the UK. I wanted to get in touch to see if you have ever considered sharing your inspirational story in a magazine? If so, please get in touch and I can explain more. You can email me at

    Best Wishes,

    Alison x
