Wednesday 14 September 2011

Friday - Catching up!!

So on Friday I had to go to Lloyd's to finish the setting up of my bank account.  The manager had to do it for me as the girl who had began the process still couldn't get onto the computer due to being locked out.
"That must be a nightmare" I commented as she sat opposite me. "One member of staff down in a small branch like this is half the workforce isn't it?"
"You sound like you've been there?"
"Yep I was at HSBC Dewsbury for a year but spent most of my time over the road at Ossett... now that was a nightmare. Hence why I was understanding about your colleague yesterday... Everything always went wrong for me as well..."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"I did I loved cashiering"
"So why are you opening an account here then?"
"HSBC made me redundant in 2009" I told her. "I moved my accounts straight away to Natwest" they offered me a huge overdraft at the time, which I took and now I'm off sick they won't help me sort it out. So I figured I'd open an account with you redirect the credits and then they will have to agree to some kind of repayment. Will that be a problem?"
"No its not the first tale I've heard like that Loraine especially in today's climate".
"I'm not sure how much your colleague told you but I am in the process of looking to sell my house so there may be a little profit which ideally I want to put in the account as well".
"Well we'll open up a separate savings account for you just in case" she advised me. Half an hour later it was finally done and she assured me the card and pin would be out in the post within seven days.

Jo called for me at around 12.30 for lunch. We were going to the halfway house.  I've known Jo and her daughter Ashley since we met at HSBC back in 1998, we've been through a lot together and she has counselled me through all of my breakups including my divorce back in 2001, six including my ex husband. All my subsequent relationships since my marriage ended have lasted around eighteen months and I can honestly say not one of them was my fault!! I just pick the wrong kind of me,,... well I used to... until now.  We both decided on the Goats cheese salad for lunch and I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've only ever had goats cheese once before but I definitely like it!!
"So am I gonna meet Leona before my wedding day?" I asked Jo. Leona is Jo's partner they've been together around three years I think although she only told me about being in a relationship with Leona last year. I think she was worried over my reaction due to a bad reaction from another close friend whom she told before me. But to be fair, I'd kind of guessed anyway so it didn't come as a shock, much to Jo's surprise.
"Yes I will make sure you meet her before the wedding" Jo told me.
"I'm gonna hold you to that!" I told her "and I'd like to meet her whilst I still have hair if that's at all possible and based on the fact that the first treatment sounds horrendous its probably best we do it before the 11th of October".
"Okay I'm sure we can sort something out before then".
"Great, right shopping now with my lovely daughter" I told her as she dropped me back at home. "Wish me luck, no doubt I'll need it" Jo laughed.
"Enjoy" talk to you soon.

As soon as I got in Jenna was waiting for our shopping trip. It actually went quite well. She bought a dress, a pair of shorts, four bikinis and two tops. We actually managed it all in the space of an hour as well. I was impressed. As we headed to Costa for a coffee Jenna announced that Mike was on his way to meet me.
"Really? But i look like a right minger" I whinged. I hadn't brushed my hair.. I had no make up on and I was covered in spots (which I'm pretty sure is down to the morphine) as I never suffer from spots!!
"You look fine" Jenna told me. "Mike doesn't have his foundation on today...!" She announced and i looked at her...
"Oh yeah he wears make up" she told me.
"Oh no so we've had the guy that decided he was gay, we've had a guy that's bi and now you're going out with a tranny?" (sorry Mike if you're reading this but I find it kind of strange) I laughed.
"He's not a tranny he just likes wearing make up" Jenna protested.
"Take him to fanny and Bacardi then we'll know for sure!" (Fanny and Bacardi for those of you who haven't been is a show bar for straight people, gay people, bi people, those out for a real laugh and transvestites and cross dressers (to those i missed out in my description really really sorry and sorry if i offended anyone with this description but its the way I see it and only my opinion) Jenna laughed, and went to order coffee. I looked at the time, it was half four and Lee would be starting work soon. Not wanting to miss him i gave him a call.
"Hello Mrs Mcevoy"
"Hello Mr Mcevoy, hows your day gone?"
"Okay its been a long hot one but okay" he replied. "What have you done today"
"Well I've been to the bank sorted out my bank account. Had coffee with mum, had lunch with my mate Jo and I've been holiday shopping with Jenna. we're currently sat outside Costa having a coffee and waiting for her new boyfriend Mike to show himself"
"But I thought she was heartbroken over the other one"
"Ha ha I know now do you understand why i take everything Jenna dramatises with a pinch of salt?"
lee laughed.
"So who's the new one"
"He's called mike and she's in love after a day... oh and he wears make up"
"Pardon? Is he gay?"
"Nope apparently he just likes to wear make up... my daughter is going out with a tranny"
"He's not a tranny!" Jenna protested from the other side of the table.
2He's not normal either if you'd asked Danny to wear make up I'm pretty sure he would have told you to do one!"
"He's just a pretty boy that's all and likes to look good!"
"Whatever.. this one doesn't wear heels too does he?"
Lee laughed at the other end of the phone  and then said "Oh god what type of family am I marrying into?"
"One that's nuts" i replied. "that okay with you?"
"Yep no problem"
"Right you better get ready for work... I'll talk to you later Lee""
"love you Mrs Mcevoy
"love you too Mr Mcevoy have a good night"
"I will bye..."

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