Saturday 17 September 2011

Saturday 17th September - Shitty cat!!

On Saturday morning I awoke around seven did some work on the blog and went back to sleep. I was woken up again by John Sue's dad shouting up the stairs.
I went into Sue's room to hear tales of the shitty cat. Now Sue's cat had had a bit of a poorly tummy yesterday and it had some ... poop shall we call it? Nope... lets just go for shit... well it had shit all over its bum and down its legs, its a long haired cat and the white fur on its bum and legs was brown with shit everywhere. So last night Sue had had to wash its bottom in the sink...eugh disgusting.
"I had to get up and wash her at five this morning, there was shit all over the throw on the bed" Sue was saying so I washed her bum. "It was all over downstairs too".
"Well you should see her now I stopped her from coming in the house" John told Sue.
"Is it just stains or is it shit"
"Oh its shit alright" John laughed. We went downstairs to see the cats backside dripping with shit... it was on the carpet and she was doing her best to rub up against Johns legs whilst covered. I couldn't stop laughing. Sue couldn't stop laughing and her dad couldn't stop making comments.
"Sue can I take a picture and put her on you tube?" I asked her. Sue couldn't help but laugh whilst I chased the cat with my phone trying to get a picture of her shitty backside lol.
The cat was Mee owing because she wanted feeding but Sue quite rightly was telling her she couldn't have anything.
"Right I'm gonna wrap her in a towel dad you hold her over the bath and I will wash her bum under the shower" Sue told her dad. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face he looked terrified at the thought of holding a shitty cat over the bath lol.
I followed them into the bathroom. Sue's dad holding the cats front end wrapped in a towel and howling whilst its back end hung over the bath while Sue washed its bum.... what a sight it was so funny! I was screaming with laughter and I'm pretty sure John was desperate to laugh too. Eventually Priscilla the cat broke free  and shot out the bathroom and past me on the stairs like a tornado a trail of shit following her as she ran.
It was at that point Sue decided vets had to be the next step as everywhere she sat Priscilla left a puddle of destruction behind her and boy did she stink. So whilst Sue got her booked in at the vets I rang Lee. He had the suit sizes for me.
"Hello Mrs Mcevoy I've got the sizes for you have the girls decided on a colour yet?"
"No that's what I told you to do choose a colour" I told him.
"Well the girls should choose" he told me. "I have sizes anyway collar sizes are 15 and Luke's the same size as me."
"Okay and chest size?"
"I think its about a 42".
"Right waist size we are both a 30 and its a 31 leg".
"Right okay". Sue was pointing to her watch and mouthing to me that we had to get a move on.
"Right Lee I'm gonna have to go cos Sue has to go and take her shitty cat to the vets, cos it won't stop crapping everywhere". I laughed and he laughed with me.
"I'll talk to you later,"
"Okay I love you Mrs Mcevoy can't wait to see you".
"Only four days" I laughed. "See you soon, I love you".  We headed to Kim's for Sue to pick up a cat box and for me to start planning and designing invites with Simon Kim's partner. Sue left me at Kim's and headed back to get the shitty cat!!

Three hours later Simon had designed an invite that I truly loved I just hope that Lee likes it as much as I do. I plan to take a sample but meantime have sent him a sample via facebook.

For the past couple of hours I have sat chilling out watching recordings of X Factor (as I've pretty much missed all of them) whilst been waited on by Missy Moo Copeman. Who has definitely become my one of my best est friends. I had some pate on bread at lunchtime with a glass of wine. And for tea I've had beef bourguignon served with rice and a lovely glass of sparkling rose wine.  Jenna has sat at the side of me playing the Sims whilst I've been writing my blog. Its been a wonderful evening and a shame it has to end. But I'm yawning my head off and its definitely time for bed.  So night all and I hope you enjoy reading today's entry.

Loraine x

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