Saturday 10 September 2011

Thursday 8th September - The banquet...

I woke up this morning being constantly sick again.... it has to be the anti-sickness tablets because I wasn't being sick prior to having them, or it could be the increase in my morphine. I went down to get some milk but quickly found that I didn't have any. Status update for facebook read... 'i really need some milk but can't stop being sick long enough to go out and get some'. Not much later Sarah commented that she was on her way out and would drop some off for me later. I was sooo grateful. Sarah turned up half an hour later with a baguette some milk and some old magazines  I stood at the door and smiled weakly.
"If I can get you anything else, anytime you know where I am".
"Thanks Sarah". I shut the door poured a glass of milk and headed back to bed.  Around 12 I dragged myself off the bed. Jenna came out of her bedroom...
"I have a date with Mike" she told me.
"Oh god... not another one... who's this one then?" I replied. (Jenna's boyfriends sometimes only last 24 bours before she kicks them into touch... one idiot after another).
"He works at mustangs Jodie introduced me to him" she told me.... "he does wear make up though.."
"He wears makeup ... oh great a transvestite this time.. "
"No he isn't he just wears make up " she told me.
"Okay okay whatever"
"What do you think?" she gave me a twirl in a dress she was wearing with a v neck line, it was grey at the top and black at the bottom.
"You look great, but you always do" I told her with.
"Not too officy?"
"No its great. Just be careful. What time are you meeting?"
"2pm Wakey bus station, why?"
"Well I would have offered you a lift but I'm not meeting Colleen til 4 and I'm at bank at 2"
"Okay no worries. I can get bus". I got sidetracked writing my blog and sorting washing out etc and by the time I had started to get ready it was already twenty past one. I was due at the bank at two. Oops.
"Excuse me I have an appointment at 2pm" I told a girl walking past me as I stood in the queue for the counter at Lloyd's.
"What name is it?"
"Loraine Mooney"
"Oh right, you're with me I just need to find a room if you'd like to take a seat". I plonked myself on a seat near the door. The girl (all bubbly and bouncy) came over to me
"Sorry about this I've got a room she's finishing up I just need to wait. Whilst we're waiting what type of account is it you're after".
"Just a basic account no overdraft"
"Okay. Do you bank elsewhere?"
"At Natwest, huge overdraft I want to start afresh and make arrangements to pay them back" I told her. "You see the thing is... mm I don't know if I should tell you here... oh what the hell... the things is I have terminal cancer. So I want to get my finances in order for my kids sake".
"Oh, um I don't know what to say" she responded flatly.
"Oh don't worry I'm fine with it" I told her. "Its actually quite uplifting knowing when you are going to die because this way you can squeeze everything you want to do into the time you have left". I explained.
"Mm I hadn't thought of it like that. Right, do you have I.D and a recent utility bill?"
"Yes" I wrestled them out of my bag and handed them over.
"Okay I'll go photocopy these whilst you are waiting".
We eventually got into a room around twenty past two and then she had looked herself out of her computer so had to write everything down.
"I'm really sorry" she explained.
"Don't worry its fine, how long will it take to open the account. Will this slow it down."
"No it will be done tomorrow. Your cards should be through within seven days and the pin number will be out in the same timescale too but they won't be delivered together".
"Okay thanks".
"I'll need you to come back and sign some stuff tomorrow, okay?"
"Yes fine see you tomorrow then "I told her.  It was three o'clock when i left the bank and i had to be meeting colleen at four. I had brought my make up with me so I went to my mums.
"I need to get ready here so I'm not late" I told my mum as she opened the door. "Can i borrow your bathroom need to go to the loo and get ready?"
"Yes sure, whats the rush"
"I'm meeting colleen at four" i told her. "don't have time to waste".

"Hi Loraine" Jane on reception greeted as I walked in.
"Hi Jane" I replied and headed over to my seat. My chair wasn't there I looked around confused.
"I had your chair sent to the warehouse so no one can use it" Colleen told me. "I need you to pack your pedestal too so that we have drawer space for the newbies".
"Oh just get rid of me why don't you? Nothing like making a girl feel wanted is there?" I laughed and walked around my desk to pack my stuff. After I'd finished I took the box to Colleen... "All done" I told her. "Where shall I put this?" I asked pointing to my box.

"Now Becky I've been thinking wedding and cupcakes"
"You read my mind... cupcake tower instead of wedding cake" she suggested laughing.
"My thoughts precisely.. can you do it, and how much?" I asked her.
"You give me your colours and I will do it for free as your wedding gift" she told me smiling.
"Really, wow, that's great Becky thanks" I hugged her. "I'm not doing bad that's free photos, and free wedding cake I'm on a roll" I laughed.  "Right Colleen ready when you are!" I announced.
"Okay lets go and eat" we headed for the lift.
"Right so if we wait til five thirty we can eat for £12.95 and its full buffet, shall we go shopping for a bit first" Colleen suggested.
"Ooh can we go to \Select and I'll have a look at maxi dresses for my holiday?"
"Yeah no worries we'll head there now" I linked Colleens arm and we headed for Select. When I'd gone in before with Sue over the road there had been wall to wall maxi dresses, rows upon rows of them.. Now however, all the winter stock was out and there were no sign of  any dresses. We eventually found one sale rail with dresses on there wasn't a lot left. There were four I liked which Colleen persuaded me to try on. (I hate shopping and often pick stuff up and try it on at home just to save the arsing around waiting for a changing room).
"Well I can't even get this one over my boobs!" I grumbled. "And its supposed to be a medium.
"Maybe they're on offer due to faulty sizing" Colleen replied "I'll go get you the large and you can try it."
"Okay thanks..." I tried on the next dress on my list just as Colleen came back.

"Ooh that is gorgeous" Colleen admired the peach dress.
"Mm but look" I pointed to the outline of my bag....
"You could wear a scarf around it to hide that" Colleen suggested. I honestly hadn't thought of a scarf but she was right a scarf wrapped around my waist would cover the top of my bag The next two dresses looked great. In the end I bought all three and it only came to thirty quid. Bargain!! Select in case anyone wants to know the name of the shop... their sales are awesome.

"So is the food in here okay?" Colleen asked as we were shown to a table.
"We came for my sort of sister in laws birthday and it was fantastic but I was high on morphine at the time so anything would have tasted good" I told her laughing.
"Can I have a coke" Colleen requested.
"And I'll have a lime and soda".
"Have you been before?" The girl asked. "Or should I show you how it works?"
"No its fine I've been before". The girl nodded and left.
"I know what I haven't done, I haven't rung Lee... we have this ongoing ritual now and I ring him between 4 and 5.30 our time, which is 6 til 7.30 his time as he starts work at eight".
"Ah well I've missed him now" it was quarter to six he'd already be at work. "But I could ring him at midnight if I'm still up he'll have finished by then".
"So wedding plans what do you want me to do?" Colleen asked.
"Well if you can just co ordinate everything to make sure it all goes smoothly I'll be more than happy" I told her. "As long as I don't have any stress on the day then I'm happy".
"Have you thought of colours yet?"
"I'm trying to get the bridesmaids to make a decision on their colours I'm thinking red or blue but I don't know if they'll agree. If they do its a bonus. Jenna will be maid of honour, Lorna is one bridesmaid and I'm hoping to get Stephanie, Lisa's daughter who is four to be my other one".
"Well it sounds like you've got everything under control" Colleen replied.
"Its invitations, favours, dressing of the room t
hat sort of stuff I'm gonna need help with " I told her. "We have free photographer, free cake, possibly free food, free cars so all there is to pay for will be the room, my dress, lee's suit, and the registrar because we have free entertainment as well".
"Right I'm hungry, shall i go first"
"Yep off you go and I'll watch the bags I told her"
Click click click went my phone it was from Lee.
"R u okay?" I couldn't reply as I've gone over my monthly contract and they've stopped any further calls or texts overseas until the bill is settled on the twelfth.
"I've got a text from lee he wants to know if I'm okay but i can't text back as i have no credit for calls or texts overseas".
"Well you can use my phone lets eat first then I'll let you text him from mine"
"Okay thanks Colleen".
I ate and ate and ate for the first time in ages. I had duck with pancakes and veg in hoi sin sauce. Seaweed lots of it cos I love it. Then Colleen sent a text to Lee for me we told him i was fine and was just out stuffing my face and I'd ring him later. It was a great night and we had a brilliant time.
"This would be a good idea for a works night out for Christmas" Colleen suggested.
"Yes it would you could get £20 each from everyone and tell them that covers the food and two drinks each. The most expensive thing to drink on the menu is £3.10 for a bottle of beer. That way there should be plenty tip money and they can stay as long as they want to eat.... Perfect".
"I'll have a word with Tim about it tomorrow" Colleen replied. We munched our way through mains and then dessert and left around 7.30. It was then I discovered I couldn't find my token card for Sainbury's to get out the car park.
"I've checked my bag and my pockets it must be in the car probably in my jacket" I told Colleen "along with my glasses cos I can't find them either". We got to the car park and there was no sign of the car parking token... I double-checked my bag and there it was at the top along with my glasses. "I did check I don't know how I've missed them" it was around twenty minutes ago that I'd started looking and I swear they weren't there.  I dropped Colleen at the warehouse and she headed for home and i headed for home. I just got home when I got a text from Yvonne so I decided to ring her.
"Hello darling how are you" Yvonne greeted.
"Okay thanks a bit up and down but I'm okay"
"Right sweetie your wedding I was thinking Salmon and pork pies and mint sauce and peas what do you think"
"That's okay but I need all the guests to like it and there's a lot of kids coming " I told her.
"Well Darren's daddy has a Costco card I could go to Costco and buy lots of things in bulk and we could do that instead"
"That would be better I think just lots of party food, quiches, pizzas, sausage rolls, sausages on stick, salad, cooked meats that sort of thing"
"Well if that's what you want I can do that for two hundred people but I will do that as your wedding gift from me and Darren"
"That would be fantastic Yvonne"
"Okay well we'll get together nearer the time to discuss it all"
"Brilliant, right I'm off to bed talk to you later"
"Okay darling night night".

"Hello, Mrs Mcevoy, how are you?"
"I had a brill night. I'm very well and we now have free catering for our wedding so that's free entertainment, free photos, free cars, free wedding cake and now free buffet".
"So all we have to pay for is the price of the room, registrar, price of the rings, my dress, your suit and we are sorted!".
"Wow nice one. I love you Mrs Mcevoy"
"I love you more Mr Mcevoy, night"
"Night. Won't be long now only 13 days to go Jenna's really excited".
"We will have a great time. I'm going to hire a boat again I've got some nights off plus Saturday and Sunday".
"Sounds great love you"
"I'm off to bed"
"Me too, remember to give me a cuddle."
"I will night xx"

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