Sunday 4 September 2011

Thursday 1st September.... Morphine where have you been??

On Thursday morning I woke up a bit sore on my left side again. I contemplated taking the morphine the hospital had given me but decided probably not a good idea to drive on it and looked at it and then put it back.
Lorna has arranged for me to go to hers for lunch with mum and meet up with Anne (we've known Anne for years. Lorna used to babysit for her about 28 years ago and looked after all four of her kids at one time or another). Anne has terminal cancer too. She had breast cancer first and had a mastectomy about three years ago i think and now its back and unfortunately its in her bones and again she is uncureable.
I walked in dreading seeing her in all honesty but I was pleasantly surprised at what I found when I got there. Anne was still full of life still bubbly still happy... she hadn't changed at all. At the minute her hair has thinned but she has no hair loss and doesn't need a wig. We started chatting straight away and I asked what treatment she was having.
"Just now I'm having tablets/ But I've had the infusions before Loraine so any questions fire away". The question and answer session took a while let me tell you lol.
Anne gave me a list of phone numbers for various different offices to help wtih claiming benefits.
"I'm not holding my breath Anne," I told her. "They turned me down for everything last year".
"I know love but you will find this time they are much different" she explaiined to me......
"Can I? Really" I asked her... Anne had just been telling me about how i could claim a refund on my road tax and get a tax disc to say I was exempt.....
Its amazing how much you can learn by listening to other people that have been through the treatment. It gives you and expectaton of what to expect. Anne asked about my morphine and if i was keeping up to the medicated dose. I explained i'd been hit and miss with it as i didn't know if i could drive on it. She told me driving was fine however drinkiing was a no no.
"oh right," my face fell.
"Seriously no drink but if you take it regularly trust me you won't need any", she laughed. "Make your phonecalls for your benefits asap because they will back date them to the day they received your call".
"Right I will go home and do it now then" I told her. "I'm not missing out on money " lol.
By teatime I was in heaven...... Morphine.... oh... where have you been all my life... this nice floaty feeling no pain whatsoever... its better than whacky baccy or getting pissed.
I spent the rest of the evening on a little cloud courtesy of morphine... talk about a buzz lol.
I rang my friend claire who couldn't understand a word i was saying i was that spaced out lol... so courtesy of morphine again I had the best night sleep ever!!

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