Monday 5 September 2011

Sunday 4th September. Backseat Bangers!!

Woke up on Sunday determined to have a lazy day.... its amazing how busy I've been since I put my sick note into work... Lady of leisure? I wish... busy bee more like!!
Anyway I woke at eight and tidied the house and then began looking at flights to Cyprus ... i wonder... i  mused....
My dad had asked me if I'd thought about going back.. and based on how down Jenna had seemed last night maybe ... just maybe we could both go...
So I did a flight search and then I looked at monarch.... tickets are "199" for 21st to 28th September... mm i wonder. So I text Rae first no point booking unless i could find somewhere for Logan.
"If I took Jenna away to Cyprus 21st to 28th Sept to Cyprus could you have Logan for me?" I text and waited.
"Yep no problem" I got back... right that's hurdle one.
Next, I sent Colleen a message.... "Can you find out on Monday if there would be any issue with me flying to Cyprus whilst I'm on the sick?"
"I can't see it being an issue I'll find out for you though and ring you Monday"
"Thanks Colleen".
Wes popped up on facebook chat.
"Hiya I'm off to cinema to see The Inbetweeners movie with Charlene and for food if you fancy it?"
"Okay i might do what time?"
"1pm I'll pick you up"
"Okay I am bored so i just might do that, knackered so off for a sleep first".
Next however I went in to talk to Jenna.
"How do you feel about Cyprus 21st to 28th September?"
"You and me, how do you fancy it?"
"What about work?"
"I'll speak to Kay for you....well?"
"I'd love too..."
"I might surprise Lee... or should I tell him?"
"Well he might be annoyed if you don't tell him...."
"Hmm... and if I turn up and the flats a mess I'll be miffed..." I laughed... "Right I'm gonna ring him" I told her... talk to you in a bit... Oh and I'm off for food and cinema with Charlene and Wes at one if you fancy it?"
"Hmm might do" she answered sleepily.
So I rang Lee.... "Hiya chick"
"Hello husband to be... " he laughed.
"Your mum put something really nice on my facebook page" I told him and read him it.
"That's lovely... she thinks its wonderful..." he told me.
"Good anyway I've written back told her that they both need to come to the wedding... after all that might be the only chance to get to see them..."
"Yeah true"
"I haven't had a reply yet"
"She's probably not been on facebook ... she'll reply though."
"Yeah I know.... anyway I wasn't gonna tell you but how would you like two visitors in September?"
"Me and Jenna....21st to 28th?"
"Yep really.... that okay with you?"
"Its fantastic with me..." Lee replied.
"Good cos we're coming out... you have to take some time off though"
"I will don't worry!"
"Good... its a date then... I'm giddy as hell already" I laughed and Lee laughed with me.
"I'll take a night off and we can go see Luke's show and go to Boogies if you're bringing Jenna..."
"Yep she won't cost as much she hardly eats" I told him. "I need you to sort out transport though"
"No probably I'll have a word with Mark don't worry" He told me.
"Right its a plan then. We're just going through our guest list"
"Well bring the details with you and we can go through it together when you come out!"
"Hee hee nice one..can't wait..make sure they all know I'm coming out again. I'm gonna be skint but I'll be with you so who cares. And by the sounds of it I'm gonna be loaded anyway with all the grants and benefits I can claim."
"Is Jenna there?"
"I can get her"
"Go on then.."
"Jenna come talk to lee...." I yelled.
"Two minutes"
"Hi Lee"
"Has Luke accepted you as a friend yet?"
"No not yet..."
"Okay well he will be doing cos I've told him he has too... if he's best man and you're maid of honour you'll be spending a lot of time together... has your mum showed you his picture".
"Yep I've seen him"
"She's done nothing but drool" I laughed.
"Not as much as my mum" Jenna giggled.
"Ha ha very funny" I retorted.
"He was telling her he loved her the other night on my phone" Lee said to Jenna. "Gonna have to keep an eye on those two"
"You know you are the only guy for me!" I told Lee.
"Good to know"
"Love you Mr Mcevoy"
"Love you Mrs Mcevoy..."
"Right I'm gonna go off to cinema with Wes and Charlene"
"Okay I'll finish my beer in the 38 degrees and get another one"
"Stop rubbing it in" Lee laughed.
"Hang on a minute" he told me..... "Jo, how do you fancy coming to a wedding?" he shouted.
"You getting married?"
"Aw congratulations both of you" Jo yelled back. Jo works at Tee jays bar in Protaras.
"So you're at Tee jays?"
"Yep sun is shining and I'm about to get another beer"
"Can't be bad... right I better go get ready cos Wes is picking me up at 1 and I'm not dressed yet..."
"Okay Mrs Mcevoy have fun"

We arrived at the cinema and Charlene and Wes went for sweets and i headed for the popcorn combo and promptly dropped half a tonne of popcorn down my cleavage... not the best look in the world for anyone lol I spent the next fifteen minutes fishing it out....
Wes headed for the back of the cinema and I struggled up the steps with a wobble on due to the morphine I'd taken in the foyeur. Charlene updated her facebook and put on her status backseat banging with Wes Weaver and Loraine Mooney. Hence the title of this blog Backseat Banging.

And so to the movie I have never ever watched the Inbetweeners and for those of you who have not been I will not spoil it for you. all I will say is that is a very unique way of updating your CV and last time I looked that isn't what it was called.... and I still don't understand why the goggles and snorkel are needed so all those blokes that go watch it please please tell me lol.... and the dancing I so so want someone to teach me how to do that... unique is not the word ha ha.

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