Tuesday 11 October 2011

October 7th - Renal tests bring it on!!

"You ready?"
"Yes love off we go" Sue smiled coming out the door. Now don't get confused.... there is Sue i.e. Missy moo Copeman who lives the other side of Bingley.  Then there is the other Sue who lives opposite me who came to Cyprus with me in April when I first met Lee.
"I'm dreading this" I sighed as I drove out the grove Sue in the passenger seat.  "Its more blood tests and its gonna be hunt the vein again!!"
"You don't know that be positive".
"Loosing my ability to be positive these days" I told her... "I've got shit veins... chemo is gonna be interesting they'll never get it through a vein cos all they do is pop".

We arrived at nine thirty and for the first time ever got a parking space straight away then it was straight up to Nuclear medicine to begin the testing. I was sat in the waiting room when someone came out of a corridor and said 
"Loraine, I thought it was you... I saw the name and thought I must go see if its the same one..."  It was one of the women from weightwatchers and I feel really rotten cos I don't know her name ... I do its on the tip of my tongue.... but ... nope its gone. She's lovely chatted to me as I sat in the waiting room with Sue. Asked all about my illness and about Lee.
"Oh I'm so sorry Loraine" she looked genuinely sad when i told her about it being pallitive care treatment only.  
"But there is some good news... I'm getting married... I met Lee in Cyprus"
"Well show us a photo then" 
"Yep I have one on my phone... hang on a sec" I pulled up the photo on my phone.
"Oh he looks nice"
"He is... from Grimsby" I told her.  "Only I can go all the way to Cyprus and meet a Yorkshire lad ha ha" we laughed.
"Are you okay if I tell Jean I've seen you?" I smiled. (Jean was our leader of weight watchers meetings.
"Yeah course you can I have her email I think she still has mine. Tell her I will keep in touch I'll send her a link to my blog she can follow my progress and pass it on to you".
"Its been lovely seeing you Loraine"
"Its been nice to see you too". She gave me a hug. 
"Good luck for the future"
"Loraine Mooney" a voice called.
"Yep that's me" I got up to follow the young girl that had come to get me.
"Shall I come or stay"
"We won't be long you can wait here" the girl told her.
"Ah okay see you in a minute"... I told Sue and smiled and she sat down. I was shown into a room.
"Right what we do today is inject you with some radioactive dye" then in two hours we take some blood from you. Then in another two hours we take some more blood from you... then you're free to go".
"You make it sound easy" I smiled. "Good luck on the vein front ... I was here a while on Tuesday.."
"Yep, really she ended up in my right wrist. Although she had to wiggle it a bit"...
"Oh.. "
"Yep oh... I'm dreading chemo on Tuesday.. they'll never find a vein".
"Oh well lets see what we can do..."
Three attempts later.....and finally we struck gold and she managed to get the dye to run into a vein...
"back in two hours and we'll take some blood"
"I wish I could say it had been fun" I grimaced... my arms black and blue and aching. "Okay fresh air needed" I announced to Sue in the waiting room.
"Oh my look at the state of you..."
"Yep human pin cushion that's me. Only another four hours to go!"
"Oh you poor love"
"I know... Chemo... Tuesday... wonderful... Not I just know they're gonna struggle Sue and they're not listening" I told her.

Both arms covered in plasters and four hours later at approximately two o'clock we headed for home!!! My arms and wrists were bruised from puncture marks and failed blood taking attempts....

"What I need is a bloody lie down... i'm knackered" I told Sue.
"I'm shattered for you love" Sue sympathized.... but once these tests are over you'll just be having chemo and you'll know where you are then".
"Yeah I know... if they get a vein". I sighed... "Not looking good is it?"
"It'll get better".
"It bloody better!!"

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