Saturday 8 October 2011

Wednesday 21st September – The Proposal

Why I thought setting off at six would be early enough when check in started at seven. I had no idea! It was twenty past six and according to the sat nav we had another forty five minutes to arrival.... that was pushing it! I have no idea what time check in closes but I'm pretty sure we were cutting it fine.

We arrived at Manchester airport at seven thirty I was still panicking because I have no idea what time check in closed if your flight is booked to leave at nine
have you left the men at home?” The check in guy asked me.
There aren't any at home” I replied. Jenna laughed.
Is it mother and daughter travelling?”
And how long are you going for?”
Just a week” I replied.
Okay boarding is at Eight fifteen gate 23” he told us. I'd been watching the weight of the bags as the weighed them praying that none of them were over. We were allowed 10k each on board and Jenna's suitcase weighted 7.5kgs and mine had come in at 8.20kgs. Now for the big suitcase it had weighed 20kgs exactly at home so I was worried over this one... I needn't have been it was only 18.24kgs.
Okay, tickets boarding passes and passports, enjoy your flight”
Thanks” we said in unison and headed through security to the departure gate.
We called at the toilets then at WHSmith to get drinks for on the flight. When we headed for the gate and they were already boarding I was surprised I have no idea why it was twenty past eight after all... I think I'd been in a bit of a daze cos it was only when we sat on the plane in our seats that I realised how close I'd cut it to get our flights. 

We arrived half an hour early and I rang Lee excitedly to tell him. "Jen's picking you up who got you last time with Logan" he told me.  "I've just got in so I'll make sure everything is spotless, ring me when you get your case".
"No problem. See you soon". I smiled at Jenna and she smiled back. "Welcome to Cyprus, told you it would be hot!"
"I'm glad I wore my dress now, I'm boiling".
"Well hopefully we won't have long to wait for the case" I told her and we headed down to the baggage area.

Our case was first off and we headed outside to wait for Jen and sat on a wall at the side of the cafe outside Larnaca airport. The sun was blazing and I was desperate for a shower!!
"Hi Jen"
"Hiya, been waiting long"
"Nope only about ten minutes. This is Jenna my eldest. Jen meet Jen" I introduced.
"Hi" Jenna greeted.
"Its nice to see you back, how long you here for?" 
"Only a week. The last for a while"
"Yeah Lee told me, sorry about your news".
We nattered in the car on the way to Lee's and I told Jen about Lee moving over and how I'd be meeting his parents this time. She seemed genuinely happy for me.
"So has Lee got you a ring?"
"Yep and I've got him one... problem is I've left it at home. I don't think he'll be very happy". Jen laughed.

An hour later we arrived at the flat just as a young lad was coming down the stairs with a backpack on.
"You must be Loraine, pleased to meet you let me grab your bag" He carried it up the stairs to the flat. He was followed down the stairs by Luke who was grinning from ear to ear.
"Hiya babe, good flight?" 
"Yeah" I smiled and hugged him.  "This is Jenna" I introduced Jenna who was still at the base of the stairs.
"Nice to meet you" Luke grinned. Standing behind Luke was Lee grinning who pushed him out of the way and grabbed me.
"God its good to see you" he grinned and I grinned back.
"Its good to be here" I smiled back. "Come on in" I walked into the flat and was amazed. It was spotless.
"Wow. What happened have the cleaning fairies been?" I asked sarcastically.
"Come see this" Luke showed me the balcony where there was now a table with two chairs covered in a table cloth with candles in the centre.
"Wow I'm impressed". I hugged Lee. "You've done a great job. It looks fab" I told him.
"Only the best for you two" he smiled.
"I have a confession to make"
"Whats that?"
"I forgot your ring. Its on the fireplace at home. I got it out the suitcase to show Clare yesterday and forgot to put it back I'm sorry".
"Its okay we'll just have to wait til christmas to exchange rings"
"No, you can't do that" I protested.
"Christmas isn't far away"
"It is" I protested again. "Anyway I've made up for it I've brought you something else" I handed him the box containing his earrings and the bottle of aftershave I got him on the plane".
"\Wow I love the earrings"
"Great. I thought they were different"
"They're lovely but your still not getting your ring til Christmas" he told me.
"Not fair" I protested.
"Life's not fair" he laughed."Go get changed and we'll go for a drink before I start work"

We were sat in Rives chatting away Jenna and I with Luke when it happened. Lee got up on the microphone... I thought he was gonna sing instead I heard the words....
"Loraine, will you come and join me please"
"Whats going on" I looked at Luke who was grinning from ear to ear.
"Go find out" he told me. I walked down to the back of Rives where Lee was standing with the microphone.
"I've worked here a lot of years, the past seven to be exact and women have come and gone. But one woman came along in April to change all that. My girlfriend Loraine. Here she is" he gave me a kiss and the crowd clapped.
"So Loraine I have a question to ask you" he got down on one knee and I felt the colour rise in my cheeks. "Will you marry me?" I grinned and nodded unable to speak as he held a ring out to me. It was gorgeous white gold with a star setting at the top and a diamond in the middle and two love hearts either side of the setting on the band of the ring. 
"Do you like it?" Lee asked as he hugged me.
"Its stunning I love it" I replied. "Thanks".
"I love you Mrs Mcevoy".
"I love you to Mr Mcevoy. But you didn't need to do all this".
"I know I wanted too.... happy?"
"Very". I gave him another kiss and hand in hand we walked back to our table.

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