Wednesday 12 October 2011

Wednesday 12th October - The dress!!!

I woke to the sound of my alarm at ten am, I actually slept pretty well last night. Today is wedding dress day going shopping with mum or Lorna.

I'm in a lot of pain today stomach, back lower groin area you name it, it hurts.... not had this much pain for a while so I've crawled out of bed and down the seven tablets i'm due with a glass of water... i'm suprised i'm not rattling. I'm currently on 40mg zomorph (morphine two tablets) anti sickness (one tablet) erythmicin for an infection i have (two tablets) paracetamol (two tablets)  three times a day and then nine tablets before bed which consits of all of the above along with two antihistimines to prevent the itching caused by the morphine.... then i have oramorph ( liquid morphine) twice a day for break through pain its wonderful.  I've taken some oramorph now too cos its agony.. it kicks in quicker!!

"I'm in agony mum so I'm gonna give myself time to come round, wait for the postman... and then i'll be down okay?"
"You sure you still want to go?"
"Positive, just give me time to come round"
"Okay lornas at docs at eleven thirty so if i tell her to come down to me after doctors and we'll see you here okay?"
"Yep thats fine".

Post arrives... still nothing from passport office for Lee, his passports run out i've got them to send new one to me as they keep ballsing up in cyprus ... pretty sure its illegal cos he's not living with me yet but he will be when he gets here... he's british after all he just cant sort it at that end cos they keep doing his photos wrong....(but i'm sure as you are all friends you won't grass me up).
No passport.... lee needs to be in country by 20th november as we are due at registry office for our interview... at this rate its not gonna happen.

Knock on door as i'm getting ready....
"Our electrics gone could you boil your kettle and give me some hot water?" Michael asks from next door.
"I can but it will take ages i have a stove top kettle not an electric one... i'm going out soon but i can wait for it to boil"
"Okay be back in ten then" michael tells me I put kettle on and shut the door.
Just on phone to mum to tell her won't be long and door goes again... Michael with his kettle in his hand
"Can you boil this one?"
"Yep but you need to do something for me"
"Ring passport office pretend to be Lee and ask where your renewal is?"
"okay no problem" so i give michael lees name, date of birth, address, receipt number to chase it up and he rings them for me.
"I'm ringing to find out where my new passport is" and he reads them the info they want....I know its not good but what else can i do?
"No its not  lost or stolen its a renewal" Michael looks at me for confirmation and i nod and point out checklist on receipt from post office to say passport photos included....
"But why when its a renewal?" He queries.
"Em yes we're going on  holiday next year, okay thanks. I'll ring you back".
"Its been processed as a lost passport won't be through til the end of the month" Michael tells me.
"But his old one was sent with the application"
"Thats what they asked me to check"
"Yep it was definitely with it they did it at post office"
"Well its been done as lost so it won't be here til end of the month".
"Okay thanks Michael I'm gonna go complain at post office i want my money back" .... Michael leaves I'm pissed off.... I did renewal check and send at post office they've obviously done it wrong... I ring my mum and tell her and she agrees get a refund of the charge.
"I'll be down in five minutes" I tell her and put phone down... then bin men turn up .... oh for fucks sake.....

"Hiya sorry bin men blocked me in you both ready?"
"Yep where we going first?"
"I'm off to post office to kick off about lee's passport then we can go to celebrations and look at dresses there? That okay with you?"
"Yep no worries"
So we get in car and head to town.

"I want a refund of the fee cos you've done it wrong!"
"What do you mean?"
"My partner is in scotland (slight lie actually in cyprus and cant get home) I brought in his application along with old passport and photos and did your check and send service... here's the receipt see you've ticked passport photos forms included?" She looks and nods. "RIght Lee has rang them (slight lie it was michael pretending to be lee) they've processed it as a lost passport. I want to know why?"
"Okay let me look into this" she goes away checks paperwork receipt etc speaks to boss and comes back. "I'm gonna ring them for you we processed it as a renewal its a different form for a lost one so we've done it correctly and it shows passport photos etc were sent with application so i don't get it... let me ring them"... so she does and i hear pretty much all the conversation.  "They won't talk to me he needs to ring them again..... (ha doubt michael will ring again for me) but they agreed its a different form for a lost passport so they don't understand it either."
"You don't understand we are going away first week in november.. this could be my last holiday I'm terminally ill... i don't have insurance i can't get money back on the holiday..." (god forgive me for all these lies but they are necessary to get to the end).
"Oh I am so sorry... all i can do though is tell you to get him to ring them"
"Okay well i appreciate your help but I will  be back to see yvonne who processed the application tomorrow there has to be something you can do. I want a refund"
"Okay let me check how we do that" she goes into the back and comes out again five minutes later.
"To get a refund you need to ring passport office as its their fee that we charge you"
"Okay no problems I'll do that" so i leave post office and ring passport office from my mobile I explain the situation tell the guy i don't want info just want to know how to claim a refund.
"The post office have a number they ring to check passport with us and to authorise a refund"
"Okay thats not what she said she said i have to ring you."
"Well i cant talk to you and i cant do a refund for you."
"My partner rang you you have told him you processed his application as a lost passport it should be a renewal its a different form for a lost one..."
"Thats true give me the details for lee" so i give him the info his date of birth app no everything.
"Well as i said i cant tell you anything what passport was sent in?"
"A ten year one that ran out in 2009"
"Are you sure it was with the application"
"I gave it to post office they processed it with the application through their check and send service"
"Okay I cant tell you anything but you need to check if the passport was sent"
"So basically the post office haven't sent the passport... so where is it?" Tomorrow i am going back for answers!! Not happy!!
Anyway less of the illegal stuff going  on in my life....

"Bridal shop first?" Lorna and my mum nod and we head to celebrations bridal shop.
"Hi can i help?"
"Yep i'm getting married on 14th january I need a dress"
"Okay what sort of price range?"
"Less than five hundred "
"Okay sale rails and off the peg items are here any idea what you are looking for?"
"Nothing fussy a line or straight skirt something simple but glam. Oh and I have a stoma bag so need a dress that will hide it fairly well".
"No problem let me find some for you take some measurements and we will find you the perfect dress".

"Well what do you think?" I emerged from behind the curtain with Louise's help.
"Oh thats fabulous... that is the one you look gorgeous its excellent definately that one"
"I love it"
I tried on four other dresses but nothing touched the first one... so shoes deposit and £50 lighter for the deposit I have my dress and its fabulous... I look gorgeous I'm gonna have the wedding of my dreams and I am marrying the best guy ever!!!

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