Sunday 16 October 2011

Saturday 15th October - Really??

Today is not a good day..... God I wish it was but it isn't my stomach feels like someones ripping the lining off it.... really really sore....not good. Bent double I head downstairs for my morphine tablets and liquid. I've already been up twice, first I got up at four and started emulsioning the walls in the hallway.... (I know this sounds daft but once I wake up I need to tire myself out to get back to sleep and as Lee' s not here...ha ha) I felt tired around six so went back to bed and now here I was nine am and wide awake again.

So I'm up guzzling morphine when Sue calls over. "How's the decorating going?" she asks and then opening the door I get a "Woo, ooh its looking good"
"Thanks Sue, I need to go out and get a new roller its falling apart and driving me nuts" I tell her.
"Okay well we'll go down dewsbury shall we I'd like to go to Wilkinson's"
"I'll take the dogs for a walk first then I'll come over and get you" Sue tells me.
"Alright I'll get something to eat then and see you around dinnertime eh?"
"Yep sounds good".
Toast is about as good as it gets these days with my appetite it really is shocking. I don't do regular meals anymore I just eat when I'm hungry and trust me that's not very often. So what I have done is bought in loads of innocent smoothie drinks (part of my five a day), along with fresh soups like broccoli and Stilton, butternut squash soup (again part of my five a day). So at least I'm getting the nutrients i need for the time being eh? I just wish my money would come through sooner rather than later then I could get things organised for Lee arriving.But, at least this way it will be decorated if I get the rollers to do it with.
So I jumped in the shower washed my hair and got into my jeans and a top (I just want to add the jeans are a size 12...woo hoo) pulled on my trainers and I was ready. I am so glad I don't use hair straighteners anymore and let my hair be natural for one thing it saves tonnes of time. Its great!!

We set off an hour later Jenna had come down in her pj's I asked her to empty the dishwasher and put the washing out for me, as a nice windy day meant hopefully the washing would be done!! We got in the car and i turned the key in the ignition... nothing!
"Aw not again" I moaned.
"Whats up?"
"There's no power it did this the other night when I went to take Clare home.." I turned the key again nothing. "Now what did I do with Clare? Yep that's right I flicked the lock and unlock but"ton tried again... (I did the actions as I was talking about them) and surprise ( I turned the ignition) and we have lift off..."Thanks Christine" I said out loud and sue looked at me like i was mad. "I named her Christine cos she's like the car off the telly with a mind of her own" I laughed. "Right Dewsbury here we come". As we trundled along i opened the windows I was too warm now.. I swear I'm having hot flushes. ... maybe I should get that checked too. We got to dewsbury and Sue touched the button for the window to wind up only instead it went further down.
"Oh what have I done"
"Its okay you just pushed it down instead of up" I reassured sue and went to correct it... nothing...
"Whats up?"
"The window won't go back up... oh.. its playing silly buggers again".
"Oh god trust me what have i done?"
"its not you sue its the bloody car.. Christine strikes again. It was already down it shouldn't have let you push the button further that's all." So we fiddled sue tried to pull the window up with her fingers and just when Id decided to forget the idea and head for home. I turned the ignition and the window went up... "Christine strikes again!"
"I'm never putting your window down again" Sue told me laughing.
"Neither am I" I replied and we headed for Wilkinson's.

I never go to Wilkinson's... ever... I forget its there to be honest. But boy does it have some bargains.. I'm going back there's loads of stuff in it. I could go mad in there quite easily! Roll on the day when I get some money then I can go a little crazy!! I got some new rollers a big one and some small ones and we stopped at the chippy where I got a fish.
"I looked at flights for Lee last night so I've text him cos they're really expensive after Thursday"
"Are they?"
"Yep they're asking 611 euros for one way on Saturday its extortion" I told Sue.
"bloody hell that's expensive"
"I know just shows you how cheap our deal was". (The first time I went to Cyprus with Sue it was start of season and we got a managers special deal in the window which was 299 for bed and breakfast and return flights.. total bargain!! We headed for asda next as sue needed dog food and light bulbs she knew she could get in asda.
"I'm off to get some cigs and go to the loo. I'll meet you at the other end." she told me. So I whizzed round Asda and was at the checkout when Sue came back in.
"I'm finished"
"Okay I'll go get dog food I won't be long"
"Right see you in a bit" I told her. "I'll put these in the car and come back for you". So I put my stuff in the car and rang Lee. It was a good excuse.
"Hiya, hows you"
"Okay now I've woken up properly I was knackered."
"So I had  a look at your flights and the prices treble on Friday Saturday and Sunday its cheaper you coming over Monday to Thursday"
"Oh, really when you say treble?"
"Well for the Saturday flight it was 611 euros which is kind of expensive"
"Bloody hell, really?"
"Yeah really whereas Monday to Thursday dearest one is 193 euros"
"Right well I'll have to see if i can get one of them then depending on if passports here or not."
"Well I'll check it via that tracker number they gave me and I'll ring you later to let you know."
"OK darl"
"Oh and how do you feel about a bonfire party on fifth November to introduce you to everyone?"
"That's a good idea, yes why not brilliant idea".
"I'll get everyone to bring a bottle, jack from work said he would make a big pot of chili and if we get them all to bring their own beer all we need is fireworks, rubbish to burn, which i have lots of and pie and peas and mint sauce.... sorted".
"Okay yes go for it".
"Great I love you I'll ring you later".
"Okay bye love you too".

It was after six before i got round to checking on lee's passport cos I emulsioned the stairs and hall as soon as i got in.  13.30 it stated arrived at destination country. and 14.42 arrived at depot for dispatch. So i got on the phone and rang Lee again.
"Hiya good news your passport is in Cyprus its at the depot awaiting dispatch so you should have it Monday"
"Oh that's brill darl"
"That means you can book a flight"
"Ah well how are you fixed for picking me up Wednesday or Thursday at 10.30ish?"
"Morning or evening?"
"Great I can do either are you going to book it then"
"Mum and dad are sorting it I'm coming Wednesday or Thursday but I can't remember which time is 10.30pm though I remembered that bit"
"Really" Lee replied. "What you thinking?"
"I can't believe it ... really?"
"Yes really I will be on British soil on Wednesday evening. I will be with you"
"Oh that's fantastic"
"You happy?"
"Ecstatic" I replied.
"Good then go to bed tonight get a good night sleep and know that I will be with you on Wednesday evening, okay?"
"I love you Mrs Mcevoy"
"I love you too Mr Mcevoy, see you soon".  So Lee will be here for you all to meet him on Wednesday night.... woo hoo... I am so so excited xx

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